Tag Archives: Friends

Swing clubs – the evolution

In this podcast we talk about how much nicer the clubs have evolved over the past 20 years from how hard they were to find vs today, the food, bar, dance area, DJs and swinging vs social swingers.

We have been to Swing clubs or Lifestyle clubs all over the nation from Club Privata in Portland, OR, Club Sapphire in Seattle, WA, ClubFA in California, Colette Clubs in New Orleans, LA  Houston, Dallas and Austin, TX , Players Club in San Antonio, PlayersDFW now renamed to Club Eden in fort worth, Tx,  The Korral in Spring grove, PA, Trapeze club in both Atlanta, GA and Ft Lauderdale, FL, Hub City Select in Hattiesburg, MS, Club Twist in San Francisco, CA, EC Oasis in Lafayette, LA, Scarlet Ranch in Denver, CO, Infliction Hall in Dallas, Tx as well as Secrets Hideaway, Rooftop Resort in Florida.

If you would like to see the inside of these amazing clubs, please CLICK HERE!

Toms Trips Adult Lifestyle Travel to Swinger Resorts
Book your next trip with us 800-285-0853 Option #2 Ext #3 for Bunny

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Start meeting Couples and Singles today!




Listen to our new Podcast!  We can be found on the following sites as well as right here on ours!

Spotify Podcast for Swinging Lifestyle Itunes Podcast for Swinging Lifestyle

Check out these great links!  Click on each one to learn more about them.

Should you out yourself as a swinger

Should you out yourself as a swinger

Today we discuss about coming out to friends and family that you are in the swinging lifestyle.  We give our opinions and thoughts on on this very touchy subject.  Comment on our website about your personal experiences on coming out to friends and family

we welcome your feedback and opinions below at the bottom of our page.Toms Trips Adult Lifestyle Travel to Swinger Resorts
Book your next trip with us 800-285-0853 Option #2 Ext #3 for Bunny

Like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SwingwithTomandBunny

Follow us on Twitter @TomandBunny http://www.twitter.com/TomandBunny

Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/tomandbunny/

Start meeting Couples and Singles today!




Listen to our new Podcast!  We can be found on the following sites as well as right here on ours!

Spotify Podcast for Swinging Lifestyle Itunes Podcast for Swinging Lifestyle

Check out these great links!  Click on each one to learn more about them.