Tag Archives: Jamaica

Old Fat Guys and Ms No Swimsuit Part 1

Old Fat Guys with Hot Chicks and the Ms No Swimsuit contest at Hedonism in Jamaica with Tom and Bunny

Today we discuss part 1 of our recent group trips Old Fat Guys with Hot Chicks and Ms No Swimsuit contest with Toms Trips at Hedonism Resort in Jamaica.

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00:00:03:04 – 00:00:26:11
Tom and Bunny
Hey, everyone. Tom and Bunny here. And I know we’re getting ready to watch our next video. And if you find this video useful or some of the videos in the past, please do us a favor by booking your travel through us at Tom’s trips dot com or give us a call at one 800 2850853. And I can answer any questions and get you booked on your next lifestyle vacation.

00:00:26:11 – 00:01:06:11
Tom and Bunny
However, while we’re Tom, everybody from Tom and money.com and we recently just got back from Hayden as to end to make with Tom’s trips. You’re a leader in adult lifestyle travel. And we spent three weeks in Jamaica, 21 days, 1t1 day. And boy, let me tell you, it was it was long. It was a ball buster. It was so far we’ve never I mean, we’ve traveled around the United States for like a couple of months, but never out of the country for such a long, long period.

00:01:06:13 – 00:01:31:01
Tom and Bunny
I missed my baby. Yeah. Mama, Mama bear only list. We really missed our baby. But you know what? I was the perfect wife while I was there. You are. I was. How are you? Dare I ask, how are you the perfect wife? Because I brought you a picture of Bam. Say, Dad, bring a picture up. Bam! So I could put it by the nightstand.

00:01:31:03 – 00:02:02:01
Tom and Bunny
I’ll post the picture. See, I’m special. You are? Who brings a picture of their dog? And it’s not even that. Well, we weren’t on vacation. We were working. We did get four days of a vacation. We did this. Absolutely amazing. So let’s start. Start. You wanted to start with something. So let’s if you’re listening to this on a podcast, this is kind of a visual thing.

00:02:02:01 – 00:02:39:21
Tom and Bunny
So you might want to jump over to our YouTube channel, Tom and Bonnie. And so we motor Buddy reached out to us. Yes. And they said we got a new roller bag. You might be interested. I’m trying to figure out what way my head tilts. And we already have the heart case. That’s right. Be right behind me back there, you can see this whole block thing and they thought this would be a little more to our needs because it has a lot of compartments and it’s a soft sided and goes fits right in the car.

00:02:39:21 – 00:03:10:08
Tom and Bunny
Perfect. Yes. And so they asked if we needed any more attachments because we keep a motor. Buddy Hayden is in to make, but we also have two motor buddies here. So I’m like, I think we’re good. But let me just take a look just in case they came out with something new that we didn’t have. So I jump on their website and I noticed that they had a doc and vacuum attachment.

00:03:10:11 – 00:03:35:10
Tom and Bunny
I don’t know how long it’s been there or how how long they had it for the original motor buddy. Now we have that attachment on the buck, but we never had it on the original motor buddy. So Bonnie has a bunch of doc charts and marital aids. So we had boom. Yes, she has. From Skinny, too thick, too long.

00:03:35:10 – 00:04:21:13
Tom and Bunny
The short to different types of textures to double. Yeah. And she has a hand thing, so I’ve got quite the array. Yeah. So when we saw that, we we reached out and said we could definitely use that attachment and we’ll take one to him ism in Jamaica. So that way if someone hasn’t tried the motor buddy, they can bring their own preferred Doc Johnson attachment to try out on an actual real motor buddy And it makes it, it makes it because that way the girl is more comfortable when she tries something knowing that she is already comfortable with it.

00:04:21:18 – 00:04:57:03
Tom and Bunny
So it’s a good multiple use to to try it. Right. And like, like Bonnie, like I said, she has an array of attachments and depending on the time is depending on what attachment. So I have an extra special one now you do. So we thought, we’re going to get this vacuum attachment. Let’s go on Amazon and let’s let’s order a Doc Johnson Yeah, let’s order a new one, sort of a new one.

00:04:57:05 – 00:05:25:29
Tom and Bunny
Something that is different that I’ve never tried before. We went to the marital aid store and my God, there are about three or four times more money than on Amazon. So we didn’t buy one that we were holding in our hand. We can figure it out. Look at the size, the girth. So when we’re looking at it there, we’re looking at one that was kind of it.

00:05:26:02 – 00:05:55:11
Tom and Bunny
It didn’t look like a human. No, no. It looked a little bit different. So I thought, you know what? This one looks really interesting. I’ve never tried anything like this before. It has like three different big bulky ridges. And so they had a small one and a large one. Now, us not thinking the large the large ones said ten inches thick that weren’t thick.

00:05:55:11 – 00:06:30:20
Tom and Bunny
And you don’t have to put it all the way, you know. And I said two and a half inches around. So I’m like okay, we’re thinking two and a half inches is like, you know, do I like, you know, I’m doing girl math? Yeah, I’m doing guy math. And so the other one was quite a bit smaller like and since 7/8 is and so I think it’s worth thinking is like the small one because she has said once and girth here once so Tom’s like you you could handle the other one, you know.

00:06:30:23 – 00:06:58:11
Tom and Bunny
So yeah, go big or go home. Yeah. We don’t know. Size Queen was a real size when we’re at the marital aid store that had size queen ones that were like this big around, like the fence posts and like this this long so this big around that long. No way. We thought because we thought doc chances were more human anatomy.

00:06:58:11 – 00:07:28:09
Tom and Bunny
Yeah, more. Yeah because they have it was all more corn stars. Yeah. Corn stuff. Yes. So you could use there anatomy. Exactly. So if you watch them on the movies, you can actually use their aid. So I really, you know, and going back or going back, I really wish that Amazon would put on there that it might appear bigger smaller.

00:07:28:11 – 00:07:52:21
Tom and Bunny
Harris Might appear smaller than yeah, it appears smaller than actual size. So this is what we haven’t even opened it and woven when figuring out some type of pull game to use with that. But I was thinking ring toss or it’s it’s pretty but I think that would weigh down our luggage going to Hedo so well it’s definitely going to Hedo because it’s not staying here Why not.

00:07:52:21 – 00:08:18:13
Tom and Bunny
We’ll just put it up on the TV stand. All right. So this is what I ordered. Lucky put your fist up there, player first. Up next to it, put your fist up. No, no, no. Like next to it. That’s her fist. That’s crazy. Well, I mean, I’m not saying it’s crazy because some people. Yeah. Would be able to have no problem.

00:08:18:17 – 00:08:47:12
Tom and Bunny
Yeah, but no, not funny. This is not going in my in my marital aids box. So all the comments that we get all looking for some BBC. No, we aren’t. We’re not opposed. We’re, we’re equal opportunist. So wait, you know, if, if a guy is that big, it’s definitely, you know, unsubscribe from our channel. Don’t comment. Don’t follow us because it’s never going to happen.

00:08:47:15 – 00:09:12:21
Tom and Bunny
So so basically what I just bought was a $50 ring toss scheme. We haven’t even taken it. I wonder if we can get reimbursed for that for a ring toss game. I doubt that we’ll get a huge no. So so yesterday it comes in the mail comes through Amazon and Tom’s like, well, what’s this other box? Then I’m like, Well, that’s the Doug Johnson that I ordered.

00:09:12:25 – 00:09:42:23
Tom and Bunny
This box is huge and it weighed £5. It’s like in this big box. And I’m like, Well, maybe there’s multiples. I don’t remember what I ordered. Don’t Amazon trunk? yeah. Don’t drink an Amazon. No, you might not be able to read your measurements properly. We’re going to have to get a circumference check. So when it says instant 7/8 our it’s are five inches.

00:09:42:23 – 00:10:08:26
Tom and Bunny
We know how big it is. So basically I spent $50 on it. It gave us a good laugh at that. We were laughing because I want to talk about this on our video. On our next video. First thing I said, either that or we could autograph it and send it to somebody for a mere $500. Right. It’s our our will probably.

00:10:08:28 – 00:10:36:27
Tom and Bunny
We’re still waiting on insurance. On my issue. If you watched my broken Yes video what we’ve I have to do a go fund me so maybe we’ll option an office give it to the person that donates them most at one time. There you go. They’ll be where are we can do it to where? No matter what the donations are, we just in our name for every donation.

00:10:37:00 – 00:11:01:16
Tom and Bunny
But it has to be over some amount. It can’t be a box. A big cost like 25 bucks. That’s all right. That’s all right. So look out. Possibly for a go fund me. We don’t really know. We don’t want to do it, but surgery, if we if we have to pay for. It’s about $20,000. Yes. So what? We’re still waiting to do an update video on that.

00:11:01:17 – 00:11:24:14
Tom and Bunny
Yes. As soon as we know that’ll be coming out. Yes. All right. So you know what? The past three weeks, like I said, they absolutely want a lot faster than I anticipated. Then it actually went. But we had two great groups. We did. And we literally we got there on Thursday. Normally when we get there on Thursday, we’re the first of our group.

00:11:24:16 – 00:11:51:08
Tom and Bunny
We were not this time. No, there was like already 15, 20 people there waiting. Yes, but they all went to bed. Yeah, I think it was a travel day. Everybody was already in bed. I think. Gosh, So let’s start there. Don’t ever travel when somebody is getting ready to do an election in Jamaica. Now let’s first start off the travel advisory.

00:11:51:10 – 00:12:28:02
Tom and Bunny
They had Jamaica at a level four travel advisory. Now we’re not advising anything, but we did not feel uncomfortable there. We went to dinner at Rex Cafe and Ivan’s restaurant three times. We went on multiple pub crawls during our time and talking to the multiple drivers we had and the staff at the resort, they they all said that in a is they’re not seeing anything.

00:12:28:07 – 00:12:54:24
Tom and Bunny
So when they’re doing that Jamaican alert, they’re covering the whole they’re putting a blanket over the whole country. So basically it’s going to be if you’re looking for trouble, you can find trouble. Yeah, but yeah, we never felt unsafe at all. No, but like I say, we’re not advising anything. Whatever makes you comfortable here, just use your judgment.

00:12:54:26 – 00:13:24:22
Tom and Bunny
We go back here in the next few weeks. Yeah. April 22, 27, for our Hito Hotshots, and then we go back again in June. So we’re still going back? Yeah. Now, with that said, there was an election going on. Yes. And we did not know that the president of Jamaica was in Lucy, which is the halfway point between Montego Bay and Negro.

00:13:24:24 – 00:13:49:15
Tom and Bunny
And we got stuck in. God. Hope. Hope. Well, Hopewell Well, we were stuck about four or five miles before. Hopewell Yeah. Hopewell It’s going to be the first bigger town or parish between Montego Bay right after actually, right after you leave Montego Bay, that’s going to be the first biggest parish. Well, it what we were stuck there for like two and a half hours in traffic.

00:13:49:15 – 00:14:20:23
Tom and Bunny
Yeah. Now, this is a two Lane Island road. The ocean’s literally literally two lanes because there is nowhere to pass. I’ll look for the picture and I’ll post here. Our two lane road became a five lane road because every idiot in the world was trying to pass, which now they have to merge back in and our driver was a safe driver and I would have asked him to do anything.

00:14:20:26 – 00:15:02:26
Tom and Bunny
No illegal. They literally had everything even off to the road during in the dirt on both sides were completely packed. People were trying to pass into oncoming traffic. Ambulances and in police cars couldn’t even get through. We got passed by a cow and we did it. How do you get past it? Looks out the window and goes, There’s a cow trot and passed us because in Jamaica, you know, sometimes they get off their leash because if they’re not in a fence, they’ve got a leash in, they’re chained to the ground so they can pick that area around them.

00:15:03:04 – 00:15:27:16
Tom and Bunny
Sometimes they get off and they run down the road. Yep. And that’s what happened. We got passed by a cow. Now we’re still not seeing anything. We’re thinking there’s an accident because typically when they’re you’re in that kind of traffic and there’s an accident, you’re stopped because it is a two lane road. And even our driver, Michael, says, there’s an intersection about a mile or so up.

00:15:27:16 – 00:15:47:23
Tom and Bunny
That’s probably where the accident is. That’s typically someone’s pulling out or in or motorcycle accidents. And it’s not like you have waves or Google Maps. I had ways. Yeah, but you couldn’t see. No, it didn’t have all the alerts we have and then the states. So all I could tell us how far we were from heading. So it took us two and a half hours.

00:15:47:23 – 00:16:28:18
Tom and Bunny
We finally get through Hopewell and they yeah, we seen a lot of people on the streets, but nothing that was more than usual right? So we get once we get through Hopewell, we start going. We’re like, Yes, finally we’re rolling and we’re passing. And then we stopped again. It’s just before Lucy Just before Lucy. Well, as you go around the island, you don’t really not normally notice it when you’re just driving, but when you’re in dead, stop, You could actually see were curved around and went through Lucy and our driver says to us, Hey, if you don’t mind, I know this way we can go through the neighborhoods and we can avoid a lot of

00:16:28:18 – 00:16:56:16
Tom and Bunny
this traffic. So we did. Yeah. That’s when it got. We thought, Well, we did. That’s when we didn’t feel comfortable because all of a sudden we’re seeing a ton of people in this neighborhood. We never see people. We see a few people hanging out on their porches or barbecuing and stuff like that. But we never see a ton of people walking the street.

00:16:56:22 – 00:17:25:08
Tom and Bunny
And one of the things, too, you got to understand in in Lucy there, their regular residential streets would be like what our alleys look like. Yes. So they’re very narrow. And pretty much she can only get one car through there in each direction. Right. And they’re talking to the Michael or driver. That’s what we found out about because everyone was wearing green.

00:17:25:13 – 00:17:57:29
Tom and Bunny
Yes. And we started noticing more and more green the more we approached the actual center of Lucy. And then we see thousands of people now in America. That type of environment could turn ugly really fast. So that’s where we felt our uneasiness. But Michael assured us that when he didn’t even know the president of Jamaica was in Lucy, he just said, They’re having an election and they’re celebrating.

00:17:58:03 – 00:18:24:18
Tom and Bunny
They weren’t protesting. They were violent, they were happy, they were smiling, they were dead. The election had even taken place yet. Right. This was on Thursday. The election was going to happen on Monday. Yeah. So that made us feel a little more comfortable. And we got to then we made it through there just fine. I mean, after we went through there, then we realized we were totally safe and we got to Hedonism.

00:18:24:18 – 00:19:01:25
Tom and Bunny
Yeah, but what normally takes an hour and a half drive to Montego Bay to Negril took us 5 hours, but we stopped at KFC. We did. We did. For the first time in 14 years. If you guys want some good KFC here, you if you’re staying in Montego Bay. Yeah, don’t stop because we stopped and we didn’t realize that from the time we got parked and walked in from the time we made our order, which was just a little box meals to the time we got the three little box meals was 45 minutes.

00:19:01:25 – 00:19:27:04
Tom and Bunny
Yes, it is the most profitable and most busiest KFC in the world. And also to I think that that was our downfall because we had another guest that was there in the airport with us and they had a private transfer to well, they went straight ahead and it only took them two and a half hours. Yeah. So that stop to get the chicken put us behind everything.

00:19:27:05 – 00:19:43:08
Tom and Bunny
Right. But at least we had a meal and we didn’t go in hungry but we didn’t have a bathroom so it’s no way to pull over. I was willing to pee in the bushes because all the other guys were doing that. I was Jamaican. I was willing to to help. And I was thinking I was like, Bonnie won’t care.

00:19:43:08 – 00:20:09:14
Tom and Bunny
She’ll drop her pants and pee. So we, I, we held it. I mean, Bunny are good for 2 hours and we held it for five. Well, the minute the minute I seen everything backing up, I had only probably taken like three drinks out of my soda. I’m like, no, no more. Never, never make it drink. Never. No. And Michael had had his beer and water and thank God we didn’t drink beer.

00:20:09:14 – 00:20:37:24
Tom and Bunny
Yeah, Yeah, I’m. I mean, I’m not a big fan of beer. If he had Red Stripe white, maybe, but Red Stripe, not my. It’s more like Budweiser. Yeah. And also to if you guys know this, if you go to Club Mo Bay, if you get club Mo so you know it’s going to bypass you through immigration it gives you a little lounge while you wait for you that your driver, your van, you can get rum punch to go.

00:20:37:24 – 00:20:59:23
Tom and Bunny
Yeah. Thank God I did not do that. Right. Thank God I didn’t even do that. We didn’t even use the lounge. We just walked right out and gotten this car. So we get to Hedonism and they have a new general manager. So we got to meet them. Yes. Very, very nice guy. he seems like he’s going to be a a he’s going.

00:20:59:26 – 00:21:29:17
Tom and Bunny
It is. What we see, because we only saw him for two weeks. Yeah, he’ll. He’ll do good. Yes. We don’t know. The politics are how things handle from the management to the general manager. I can them right so but Bonnie made a comment that the glasses looked a little dingy and it it was water spots. It looked like the dishwashers needed to be clean.

00:21:29:17 – 00:21:49:21
Tom and Bunny
The filters. And lo and behold, the next night, all the glasses were crystal clear. It’s just, you know, it’s little things like that when you run in. Maybe they ran out of the stuff that you put in it and it didn’t stop the stuff you get in the car wash spot free rock free rent. So I don’t know.

00:21:49:21 – 00:22:17:14
Tom and Bunny
But anyway, it was nice to meet him. So very nice, very personable. Right? I love talking to him. He’s from the UK. Yeah. So we did ask though, because one of the things that we always do is, you know, hedonism has a no tipping policy. People will get fired. They will think tips get fired. So believe it or not, it’s just like any other job.

00:22:17:14 – 00:22:48:03
Tom and Bunny
People will tell management if someone gets a tip and they see it. So it’s not like they’re going to. It’s like in America, like any other job, somebody doesn’t like it because they’re not supposed to do it. That’s how they’re going to get found out. Right? So we bring Snickers bars. We brought 140 Snickers bars and then, yeah, every couple of days I’ll walk around first.

00:22:48:03 – 00:23:06:11
Tom and Bunny
I get the bartenders. Yeah, I just want to take care of the bartenders. I take care of the waitstaff. The waitstaff and the late midnight cooks. Yes. I always went out because they never get nothing. So I went over there and they were pretty excited. Yep. As we go by groundskeepers, we hand them to everybody in the front office.

00:23:06:11 – 00:23:34:06
Tom and Bunny
Yes. So we took care of everybody we could. And when you bring Snickers, they come out. Everybody’s like, I want one, I want one. And the biggest one is one of our waitstaff that we’ve known there for years. He’s like, could I have two for my grandchildren? Absolutely. Absolutely. One more. But we actually asked David, we’re like, hey, you know, they say that it tasted different.

00:23:34:12 – 00:23:58:07
Tom and Bunny
Yeah, because he’s from England. He goes, I can attest to that. Yeah. He said it was sweeter. Yeah. So yeah. So if you have any ideas, you know, they definitely tip in stickers. Yeah. And I watched Tick Tock on this English girl who tries American Foods and they have Kit Kats in England, and she tried an American Kit Kat and didn’t like it because it was too sweet.

00:23:58:08 – 00:24:30:21
Tom and Bunny
Too sweet. I remember because we do have that one bartender and he says, I don’t like sweet. Yeah. He goes, No, they’re too sweet. Too sweet. So that’s where we come in. We’re just too sweet. We are too early next year. Next time, I think we have to bring more room. So we we did get a a room and that used to be an ocean view nude room and they had to change its a guard of view regular because when you open the window all you see is a roof.

00:24:30:26 – 00:24:52:15
Tom and Bunny
Yeah, it’s right behind the dive shack. And between the flame and the dive sack, it’s actually a really good location. It has a balcony that you could sit out on that we sat on every single night. Yeah. And we got to say hi to people. Walk into the nude porn back. Now, I did find out that the particular room that we were in was horrible for cell reception.

00:24:52:18 – 00:25:15:23
Tom and Bunny
Yes. Now, for you people, if you’re trying to call Times trips, which is the number like right here, right there. But funny, that answer is because we found out about the horrible cell reception about a week into our staff. Yeah. And it literally we’re just wondering why the phone wasn’t bringing in one of our other host couples was right below us.

00:25:15:23 – 00:25:41:03
Tom and Bunny
The the room directly below us and they didn’t have any issues. It was just that particular area. When I went around, everything dropped right soft. So I told them I can’t have that room anymore. So our first week was all fat guys with hot chicks. my God, we absolutely love that group. We do. I haven’t. You know, we haven’t laughed so hard in such a long time.

00:25:41:03 – 00:26:09:18
Tom and Bunny
And it was such a good, refreshing time to go after the holidays and after the back to back with Jan. It was just great to let loose and have fun with them. Well, one of the things is it’s such they started off with, what, four or five couples years ago and now like 77 rooms. Yeah, they are so big now as a host couple, we do the pool games.

00:26:09:21 – 00:26:31:20
Tom and Bunny
We we usually bring a deejay or an entertainer, but if not, we then we got to coordinate with the Jamaican deejay. We we do the cocktail parties and we do the meet and greets. We do the offsite dinners and the pub crawls. This year, Well, last year, too. But this year was even better. They got their own entertainment committee.

00:26:31:27 – 00:27:05:07
Tom and Bunny
They’re on their own Facebook chat. And one of the couples, Paula, she’s kind of in charge of it, I think. And she coordinated the room crawl. Yeah, they they coordinated all the pool games. Me and Bunny are I mean, we did the offsite site dinner and we set up the pub crawl, but and Pat on Bunny’s back. She got those old fat guys a cooler, cooler full of beer and an extra case of beer for the winter.

00:27:05:09 – 00:27:33:13
Tom and Bunny
Before we started the pub crawl. We did. We went through over two cases. Beer? Yup. And that was just a staff plus bar at the bar and we bought all the bars. So it was it’s just very nice that we’re more of a support asset between the group and the resort. It was so nice to just sit in the pool and watch other people put on the game.

00:27:33:15 – 00:28:00:02
Tom and Bunny
We do want to say a big, huge thank you to the old fat guys with hot chicks for making us so welcome, but also allowing us to enjoy our time and not feel like we have had to be responsible for each and every single event. It was really fun. And then they have one of one of the guests works for or does Pure Romance Party.

00:28:00:03 – 00:28:24:06
Tom and Bunny
Yes. So maybe you sort of called her on that. Doc Johnson, back to you laughing because obviously we don’t know measurements. They donated all of the marital aids to give away as prizes. Yeah. So it was really, really nice. That was really cool. And up the prize value. Yes. And it just goes to show how many amazing people travel.

00:28:24:08 – 00:29:01:10
Tom and Bunny
Yes. So if you’re interested in old fat guys with hot chicks, I’ll tell you what, it’s explain. It’s not old fact, guys. Maybe one. But the the women are everything from what I twenties to. Well, yeah 56 days. So yeah. but me and Bonnie fit in well with our highway age, all that stuff, don’t you agree? Yeah.

00:29:01:17 – 00:29:24:19
Tom and Bunny
So when we went on the pub crawl, most all of us wore are old fat guys with hot chick. I’ll put that picture. Yeah. So and then we got to remember because a lot of times I said, I’ll put a picture in, you forget. So as we’re coming back in to hedonism, this young girl looks at me and she goes, Is that your old fat guy?

00:29:24:19 – 00:29:47:18
Tom and Bunny
And I’m like, Yes. And she goes, Dude, you’re too skinny. You need to be kicked out. I lost 60 some pounds. I mean, if you see our pictures and our social media and our videos, you could see I used to have a fat brown head and now it’s getting more slender. I don’t really have a gut no more.

00:29:47:20 – 00:30:11:23
Tom and Bunny
So, yeah, I should be exiled from old fat guys. Know that just goes to show that it’s not. It’s just a fun name. It is a fun name. And it’s a really, really fun group. Now what you got to do is you got to go to times trips dot com and click on group trips and you’ll see old fat guys attack sex one of the dates next year.

00:30:11:26 – 00:30:42:16
Tom and Bunny
I have it right here in front of me. my God. my gosh. She just got a new price. Pricey. February 22nd to March 1st. Right. And what’s the cheapest? Room? 310 a night per person. All right. So singles are a little slight are slightly more. So you definitely if you do double occupancy it’s cheaper all around But old fat guys attack chicks definitely, definitely recommend that because we will be there.

00:30:42:18 – 00:31:02:16
Tom and Bunny
yes, we will. We’ll be the naked ones in the nude pool, watching the game, watching the games, I think actually got up and participated in one of them. I think you did. I did. I know you did. You look like a you look like a roll of lifesavers. So they pop these big laps. yeah. gosh.

00:31:02:21 – 00:31:30:12
Tom and Bunny
And they’re like, got them. You want to go put them on and show them again? So it’s a No, we’re not. We’re are. They’re in my room. You want me? Go get it. Go get it. But I’ll explain why. So they say they’re going to have a beer chugging contest and I haven’t chugged the beer in years. And I’m thinking I can do this because it’s just those like 12 ounce glasses and I’ll just inhale both of them.

00:31:30:14 – 00:31:56:23
Tom and Bunny
Although I was up against some stiff competition because these guys, a lot of them are from Wisconsin and all they do is drink beer and eat cheese. And I but I thought I could hold my own with them and they they bring out after we’re all standing there and they hand us each two beers, they bring out these lips and body is taking forever because now I’m going to run out of time.

00:31:56:26 – 00:32:24:09
Tom and Bunny
But we all had to put these big lips on before we chugged the beer. I lied. she lied. So the lips go under your over your teeth. So basically you bite down on it like vampire teeth and you can’t drink nothing through them. So when I’m drinking it just all pouring down everything but you coming back. I’m coming back.

00:32:24:09 – 00:32:53:28
Tom and Bunny
You’re coming back. I lied. She lied. But anyway, it added a little cool fun to the actual head. I could see up your skirt. Oops. If I could have taken a picture when everybody turned around with those lips. my God. It took, like, a couple minutes to even get them on. I love. I had different colors. Yours was right.

00:32:54:04 – 00:33:14:06
Tom and Bunny
Pink was my hot pink or pink. You had pink. somebody has red. They had purple. It was the color of the rainbow up there. this is so funny. But yeah, no one could chug a beer and it just went right down here. Yes. So that was just a fun game I lost. You did lose. I thought I was going to drown.

00:33:14:08 – 00:33:50:10
Tom and Bunny
But that other that other game that we did, you look like a to a roll of lifesavers, Candy. So they have another game and we’ve been doing it for years and they throw out the little scrunchies, the thin round scrunchies, the hair ties and all the guys put them around their member. Yeah. And I’m sitting there like when we normally when we do it, we throw them all out and then people can pick them up and do it, right.

00:33:50:16 – 00:34:10:29
Tom and Bunny
Yeah. But they were giving each guy five and so this girl comes up to hand me five and I’m like, I’ll just put them on. So she starts putting them on and on and on. And mind you, my crap is broken and you got up to 12 and there was still room. You look like the rainbow of proof.

00:34:11:04 – 00:34:35:08
Tom and Bunny
I did look like the lifesavers in that. So as girls were coming around trying to collect them because they won a prize by the person who was able to pause the most off. I would only like each girl pull off for free That way. I gave more girls time to touch me. Hey, I know you did. You Did.

00:34:35:10 – 00:34:59:24
Tom and Bunny
stop, stop, stop, stop. First I let the first two girls pull them up. yeah. Then I heard they were supposed to use their mouths. yeah. So I made the other girl, honored her deal and pulled me up to the side of the pool. And then another girl. So that. That completed my. Yeah, but I. You grew up in the beginning, me being deaf.

00:34:59:24 – 00:35:10:14
Tom and Bunny
I didn’t hear the rules of the game. So even with a broken member, you still got taken care of. I did fight multiple women.

00:35:10:16 – 00:35:37:03
Tom and Bunny
That was fun. I was Later on, after we went to another resort, I was walking into the pool and our friend Denise looks up at me and goes, You got it fixed. And I said, No. She goes, What do you mean no? I said, No. That’s just where it hangs. And starts out. It gets bigger from there. Really does.

00:35:37:08 – 00:36:06:28
Tom and Bunny
Yeah. Yes. She was like, I like that. It’s floating. Just the floating. So that was kind of funny. Yeah. She thought I got my junk fixed and she was like, That was fast. I just saw your video. My No, no no, no. Unfortunately, it’s not. No, no. I’ve got to make a phone call this week. All right, so back to hedonism.

00:36:06:28 – 00:36:27:07
Tom and Bunny
But no, no, we’re fine. We’re fine. Yeah, because this could be a podcast. What’s that? 35 minute. What do you want to go part two? Yeah, we got to do a part two because we still got lots of stories from It’s no swimsuit. Okay, So what? We’re going to just stop this one and restart it. We’re going to wear the same clothes and we’re going to do part two.

00:36:27:07 – 00:36:39:11
Tom and Bunny
Why? We’re still fresh thinking about it. Yeah, because I got to I got to recite my pickup lines that I heard. Okay. All right. So we’ll be back in a little bit. We’ll see you soon. Season.



Going back to Hedonism in Jamaica with Tom and Bunny

Going back to Hedonism in Jamaica with Tom and Bunny

We are going back to Hedonism Resort in Jamaica Feb 22, 2024 to March 13,2024 for an epic time with two really great travel groups hosted by Tom’s Trips.

Old Fat Guys with Hot Chicks is our first week, this group started with a few friends from Wisconsin and this upcoming event they have over 86 rooms booked.  This group is inclusive as they never let anyone feel left out regardless and you can expect fun activities from the Room Crawl, Pub Crawls, Old Fat Guy Olympic games as well as cocktail parties and pool parties.

The Tom’s Trips Ms No Swimsuit is in it’s 24th year as a leader at Hedonism as far a pagents go.  8 ladies from resorts and clubs around the nation are chosen to represent and come with the in it to win it mentality.  Events are Nude Fashion show, Anything But Clothes, Wet T-shirt contest, Glow party, Foam party, Beach party and Catamarans with nude snorkel and partying.  Also is off site dinners and pub crawls.  The best part is, YOU ARE A JUDGE! by booking to Tom’s Trips, you are officially a judge at this event!

Book your travel with Tom’s Trips: http://www.tomstrips.com/?ap_id=TomandBunny

Watch our podcast on video on YouTube

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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SwingwithTomandBunny/

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00:00:03:01 - 00:00:26:08
Hey, everyone. Tom and Bunny here. And I know we're getting ready to watch our next video. And if you find this video useful or some of the videos in the past, please do us a favor by booking your travel through us at Tom's trips dot com or give us a call at one 800 2850853. And I can answer any questions and get you booked on your next lifestyle vacation.

00:00:26:08 - 00:00:50:06
Hey, everyone. We're Tom and Bunny coming to you live from the Nashville area. Semi-private if you're watching this. Right. And we are the host of Tom and Money.com, as well as your host on a lot of our travel that is coming up. Yes. So first off, I want to say happy Valentine's Day. Well, belated Valentine's Day because this video will probably come out about a week or so after.

00:00:50:08 - 00:01:21:03
Well, that's okay. It's too. Happy Valentine's Day, Tom. Okay. Valentine's Day dagger drive that screwdriver. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I'm all dressed in red. You are? How come I'm not? Well, you don't have any red. Okay, But he dresses me these every time I dress. You, you. We say we look. We look like Twinkies. We So we are getting ready to head back to Hedonism Resort in Jamaica.

00:01:21:05 - 00:01:46:10
But this time. Okay, so last time we just did January recap. Yeah. And that video we talked about being there for 17 or 18 days. This time we're going back for 21 days. Yes. And you know what? Before we got to go and have fun and and kind of be on vacation this time, we have to work. This time we do have to work.

00:01:46:13 - 00:02:15:29
And if you watched our Tom Brokaw's, you know what video currently we do not have an update as of right this minute during the taping of this video. All I know is the reservoir is completely empty. Yeah. So there's nothing to go from the reservoir into little guy. So it's going to be a long 21 days. We're going to be just nudists at hedonism this time.

00:02:15:29 - 00:02:43:17
Well, I have to be a me too. Me too. So at one of the things that when we got into the lifestyle, we, you know, everyone sets their ground rules, their boundaries, and we had a laundry list of them and what we found is too many roles is too many roles. It hinders. Absolutely. It does play. Are you a Leonardo DiCaprio?

00:02:43:17 - 00:03:21:09
Are you? I just I got to hear you had a that doesn't sound good. Leonardo DiCaprio on the Super Bowl on. They caught him doing a lot. They did. And you had to pointed out it could have just got right through notice. No, no, no. So anyway, they did the CAT scan. All we know right now is the reservoir that we talked about in the video, which I couldn't think of the name for the life of me, but Bonnie had to tell me what the name was.

00:03:21:11 - 00:03:48:26
It was empty. So that's why the little plunger goes flat, because there's nothing to draw out of the reservoir, except nothing is a thing. Exactly. So we will do another a full update video, probably after the surgery, because it's going to go really fast. It's going to go from there, going to calls with the surgery day, and we're going to find out what they're going to do, probably the day of surgery.

00:03:48:26 - 00:04:10:23
Well, he did actually tell you, though, that it's going to be a complete replacement. Right. But you never know what happens. I know. Yeah, lots of things can happen. He said he did contact insurance. And what he did say is, since I already have it in my body that the insurance can't refuse it, but it could take a while to approve it.

00:04:10:24 - 00:04:33:27
Right. And they did tell us that it could take up to two weeks. Yeah, but he's going to be on the phone with them tomorrow to tell them our travel schedule because we're that important. And she's going to say, Do you know who you're talking to Exactly. he's people, right? We need this fixed. You know what? We should we should tell them to do it for free.

00:04:33:29 - 00:04:59:16
Because in the for a sponsorship, because we talk about it all the time. You know, somebody asked me last night that I wanted a Philly account with them. And I said, you know what? No, I and my my main reasoning is, is the partners in necklaces. We do not have an affiliate. We do not get no monetary or nothing from them.

00:04:59:22 - 00:05:28:01
We just love, love, love their jewelry, spunk, love. We they send us love to share around partners. It sends us necklaces to give away. It's not like we're selling them. And motor body God, we love motor money. They send us randomly some motor buddies for clubs and different events and stuff like that. No, we are giving away motor bunnies.

00:05:28:03 - 00:05:49:23
So before we get for our email, but just let you know for the next four or five months that motor money is going to be getting a lot of use. Should I be jealous of motor body? Right. Are you saying you're going to cheat on me with a motor buddy? You can watch. I can watch. I can't watch.

00:05:49:25 - 00:06:16:00
Can't touch. I can watch. But that's okay. As long as Barney's happy. I am happy. Of course. Of course. Right. Okay. You know what, though? While we're on that subject and people probably are asking, so can you not do anything? Well, I didn't want to make this video about my job. I think we should, but we already did a video about my junk.

00:06:16:00 - 00:06:37:29
I think people want to hear more about what our upcoming plans are. All right. So, yeah, we'll talk about my junk and the good, bad, the ugly, the everything when we do the update video because we need 30 minutes to talk about something. That's what the algorithms say. All right. So we did try to do the dirty last night.

00:06:38:04 - 00:07:00:19
We did. It was like we were in high school all over again. All right, enough with that. We'll talk about the dirty last night on a future podcast. Kind of like a clickbait. There you go. And then that way we can talk about we'll do it after the surgery schedule and talk about how we overcame certain sexual reasons.

00:07:00:20 - 00:07:27:12
Of course. All right, fine. I want to talk about your junk. If you're listening to this, our podcast, jump over to YouTube and just search Tom and Bonnie. And if you're on YouTube, you can listen to all of our videos on podcast. You just won't be able to see us or any images. We put spots on the screen like, like this one here, like Tom's trips, right?

00:07:27:12 - 00:07:53:09
Exactly. The end, it was almost a nip slip. So they definitely don't want it over there anyways. That would have been good. Would you say call the Enquirer? Call the Enquirer? Yes. Yes. So we are actually like those dresses, too. Yes, of course. We get a lot of compliments on these dresses. That's why Bunny wears them. That's why Bunny buys them is because if we get positive feedback, it encourages we get negative feedback.

00:07:53:09 - 00:08:11:21
We just have to block people. And that sucks. And we don't want we don't want to block people. But you know what? I do buy a lot of my dresses on Amazon, so I should start putting them back up. You should know that's how we can make money. Go to Tom and money.com. We'll put an Amazon link up and all you got to do is click on it.

00:08:11:21 - 00:08:37:18
You could buy anything, just click on that link and then we'll make a penny or two per sale. But if a billion people that actually buy something, we might make $1,000,000. Really, we would take that much out of. Jeff Well, if a billion people and you divide that down to one penny per transaction, I think that's like 1 million.

00:08:37:18 - 00:09:06:12
I think a billion people. I think you're really reaching. I'm reaching. We're not that popular. I know we've got friends and family watching this. Maybe next year, maybe if you have a nip slip, maybe, just maybe. Right. I was looking through our Facebook and there's just it's just a general picture of Bunny standing. We have three bars in our dining room.

00:09:06:14 - 00:09:30:07
Would you have seen our bar? That was the big backdrop behind us before. But we also have and if you go to our Facebook, you'll see Bunny standing in front of a bar. And then we have a whiskey keg. That's another bar that image has almost 11,000 likes on it and like a thousand comments and it doesn't show nearly what you're showing now.

00:09:30:10 - 00:09:49:07
Well, maybe I have to do. The next one is in turtlenecks that you want her to wear. Turtlenecks say yes or no. And that yes, the turtlenecks are no. The turtlenecks in the I don't want you to look like what's her name? Haley. Nikki Haley. She wears a lot of turtlenecks. Are you? Don't want me to look like a grandma.

00:09:49:09 - 00:10:12:16
I don't want you to look like a grandma. So if you love Nike, Nikki Haley, nothing wrong with that. It's just I think she'd get more support with a shirt like this just so she bends over a little bit. Yeah, Kind of jiggle. So. So, yeah, we're getting ready to head back to Hedonism. They got to be general manager.

00:10:12:17 - 00:10:37:13
They do. I know. We just found out today. Today? So I was just posted. There's a Facebook group called our Favorite Jamaican Vacation Place. And it's a great group. There's like 15, 16, 17,000 members on there, but it's about hedonism. So if you want to know more about hedonism, you can jump on there. Make sure you book with Tom, strip stuff.

00:10:37:14 - 00:11:03:04
Well, keep your loyalty where you anywhere from? Don't go anywhere else. Just call me. So we're going back with two events this time. And a vacation. And a vacation. Yes, we we, I we will definitely need that relaxing vacation after I got a hair on my eye. Now, see, I came from my nose. Your nose? A lot more.

00:11:03:06 - 00:11:33:29
So the first group that we're going to go with is we're going to go April 28th, not April, February 22nd. Yes. And then we'll be there till March 13th. So that's a long time. It is a long time. It's a long time. So February, where is it? February 24th start starts the old fat guys with hot chicks. Now let's create a picture.

00:11:34:01 - 00:11:58:07
This is not like the Facebook meme of all the big fat guys that are rich and wealthy billionaires with the yachts and private planes and the little skinny, tiny little boy. Yes, that's not this kind of good old fat guys. And hot chicks are like me and Bonnie. Yes, we are a great representation. We are. Absolutely. Yeah. And it's all about our ages.

00:11:58:07 - 00:12:21:05
I mean, we have people that are as young as early thirties and some that are quite older, but the core group is right in their we're just and we love to party it. They are the best group. So one of the things and we sit and probably mention this on YouTube because our bosses could be watching it. I got to talk my head this way.

00:12:21:05 - 00:12:46:16
I don't know why it's not at this, but we love the group because we're we're there as our company motto is we show you a good time by having a good time ourselves. So this group is one of the few groups where they're got, what, 80 plus room? So we do it's going to be a very, very big crowd.

00:12:46:20 - 00:13:09:14
So they have a little committee, not a little committee. It's a big chat group, but they have their own committee. Their committee puts on their entertainment, their pool games. The room chromium body started a room crawl years ago and they have since taken it over and take taken what we started and made it a great thing because we don't have to be involved.

00:13:09:17 - 00:13:33:04
I just have the method out with the rooms right all And this group is very accepting of everyone. If you are there by yourself, you are welcome into the group. If you're with another group, you're welcome to come party with us. It's it's not about drawing lines in the sand. It's just about having a great vacation and a great time.

00:13:33:07 - 00:14:01:26
And and one of the things that that group leaders, just our group leaders, they say, is if any of the guests have issues, normally they would come to me and Buddy and then we would deal with it. But they like to be hands on. And so they tell all the guests, you have an issue, you come to them, and then if they can't fix it, they will come to us and then they expect us to fix it.

00:14:01:28 - 00:14:24:00
And you know what? We are so good with that. And they tell their group we're there to party and have a great time with them because they truly enjoy our company as much as we enjoy theirs. I'm just saying that we'll find out next year and find out next year for invited back. So we're going to have just a great time.

00:14:24:00 - 00:14:44:19
We're going to take we're going to drink beer and eat cheese curds, drink beer and eat cheese curds. Just the word cheese curds sound gross. You know, a lot of them are from Wisconsin. I got to tell my head this way. Again, they're they're from Wisconsin and Canada, but now they're all over the world. you know, the bad part.

00:14:44:22 - 00:15:09:17
The bad part about that group. By the time by the time they leave, you would think that I'm from Wisconsin. Bonnie gets the accent. She visits her sister in Oklahoma within hours. She has an Oklahoma accent. She visits friends in Texas. She's talking about pizza. When there are all kinds of stuff I can adapt. She adapts to fast.

00:15:09:19 - 00:15:36:01
Good thing that we don't go to New Jersey, right? So, yeah, they're going to they got their own entertainer coming out. The pull games will assist them in everything that they need assistance on. They will have at our site dinner with 20 people going to Ivan's. There's room here. Bonnie will go. But if not me, I'm it. We go all the time, so we'd rather as many people can take advantage of that.

00:15:36:01 - 00:16:04:03
And they have their own host. And we we because we definitely want everybody to experience different parts of Jamaica to not just hedonism and then the pub crawl. We will definitely be on the pub crawl. We expect normally we take one bus and about 26 people and trust me, they're in there pretty tight. This group will need two busses and we'll have probably 60 plus people and they will be sitting on each other's laps.

00:16:04:03 - 00:16:25:22
But and enjoying it and enjoying it. They're going to be hooting and hollering. They're going to be drinking. We're right now trying to set up a couple cases of beer so they can pre-game and they don't need to pre-game because the first bar we're going to, the drinks are two box seats. So it's for me. Well, I guess it is good.

00:16:25:22 - 00:16:59:26
Ten, 15 minutes away. But we will be burying it a whole bunch of cruises now, also, too, they've already kind of got the catamaran situated, too. And we're going to have probably 90 to 100 people signing up on a catamaran that fits 80. So I did talk to the catamaran owner when I was there in January, and I told him that I've got a big group coming in and said, Hey, give me a call if you need two catamarans, one for your group and one for the rest of the reason.

00:16:59:26 - 00:17:35:20
Yeah, you guys will definitely bring it to them. All fat guys will definitely have their own their own catamaran. boy. Yeah, we will be. We a lot of times, me and Buddy don't go on the catamaran. It's a great adventure, but we work a lot. Why? We're at Hedonism, so that's kind of our downtime. So when the catamaran goes out at 1030 in the morning and comes back at two in the afternoon, that's our we go to our room and kind of just chill out, watch TV, play on Tik Tok and think of future videos and then go sit down at the grill and watch people come back.

00:17:35:21 - 00:17:58:17
Yeah, All stumble back, bring something back over themselves. But you know what? I'm also there to show you the time. So on the catamaran, you're going to be the one showing a good time because obviously I'm not. No, they can all try. They could try. There you go. You can try to have a contest. Just line the girls up and say, who gets it up first?

00:17:58:17 - 00:18:25:19
When's nobody's going to win? But that's the head neck. We just don't tell them to be like the girls never came and we're good. We're okay with this because this is fixable. So it's not I mean, if it wasn't fixable, we would not be doing videos and I'd be in complete depression, sucking my thumb in my bed, cry myself to sleep every night.

00:18:25:21 - 00:18:47:01
I totally in in. You know what That what this is you guys all know with us. We just like to have fun in life. Yeah. And so, you know what? You got to be able to roll with the punches, right? And like they say, you got to be able to roll with the punches on the punch here. And you've been punched.

00:18:47:01 - 00:19:09:28
I've vampire's remember, I just had had surgery too. So she has to do a lot of extra stuff because like I can't opening a big luggage around with because I have no strength in the tenderness alone and even open an apple juice. I can't even open apple juice. But she could barely open it. These things are childproof. They're the they're the ones that look like the Martinelli's.

00:19:09:28 - 00:19:36:16
They look like apples. Well, if I were to send that to kindergarten with my kid, they would never be able to get it. We have to send a pair of channel locks because we actually open on what channel locks out of my toolbox? I'll tell you. I'll tell you. But the following week is our original swimsuit contest. Okay, So we started well, our original with Tom's trips was Miss not swimsuit.

00:19:36:18 - 00:20:05:07
And we ran a club in California for 20 years. We would send contestants and our first contestant that we sent, she won Miss No swimsuit. So that's an ego. Obviously, it wasn't their first miss. No swimsuit, but Playboy was at Hedonism, so our girl was in Playboy videos and all kinds of stuff. She got really popular back in California.

00:20:05:12 - 00:20:33:27
It was back in the earlier days of Miss Nonsense Time. So we traveled every year for six years, going back to hedonism specific perfectly for the no swimsuit, and I was the trunk person that stumbled off the bus from the pub crawl or off the boat coming back for the catamaran. I was the drunk. We were we were the sponsors that everybody wanted to have because we were just like, We have fun.

00:20:33:28 - 00:20:57:07
Yeah, we told our girl, You know what? There's ten other resorts and clubs here representing. They're all going to vote for their girl. So don't go for first place. Just be there. Second place and the second place could win it. So that's kind of a hidden secret, by the way, that we do our the point six system. Yeah, absolutely.

00:20:57:07 - 00:21:22:24
Second, if you state, just vote for me. Second vote for me second. Of course you can win. Yeah, we did have several other girls that came in second and third Miss Congeniality, so we've had great representation. And then six years ago, we decided to quit the nightclub business and go to work for Tom's trips. And part of our deal was we go to Miss no swimsuit every year.

00:21:22:29 - 00:21:47:11
Yeah, because that's when all of our friends go to. Yeah. And all the clubs and all these friends that we have made throughout all these years. And it's just it's a great reunion every year. Now, keep in mind, if you book any of the 18 group trips that Tom's trips offers, and I think it's 19 now with The Lovers, most people travel the same time every year.

00:21:47:12 - 00:22:12:18
So if you are only able to travel in June, Cassidy Crush a lot of those people travel the same time. You will make the same relationships that we make every trip, but also like we do at no swimsuit. And each year you go back, you have a reunion with your current friends that you made previous years, and all of a sudden you are making new friends.

00:22:12:18 - 00:22:42:00
Yeah, you're adding you're adding more and more on because like in no swimsuit, the clubs invite more and more people to come vote for their contested. So we get to meet there. It's like on the border Justin and Katie they their group is a very friendly group and I'm not singling out anyone else. We love the corral. The Corral Host Now, justin kelly, they have on the border of Oklahoma.

00:22:44:15 - 00:23:09:08
The corral. They will be sponsoring the globe party. That's one of the biggest events on the border. Is going to sponsor the white T-shirt contest. no, no, no, I did not. Yeah, because he said because we take pictures, but we have to have a model released. So everyone has a green wristband and he says those are by far the best pictures because we don't have to delete so many pictures because we can capture a small area.

00:23:09:08 - 00:23:32:12
Very true. Where on the Glo Party we can't tell who's who. So it's we we have to know who's signed or not. On the catamaran we delete probably about 90% of the pictures. A lot of the events, we delete a lot of the pictures because if one person did not sign our model release, unfortunately we don't even blur their faces.

00:23:32:12 - 00:23:56:13
We tried to, but we decided we didn't want to do that right Then we've got Club Sapphire out of Seattle, Washington. They've had multiple winners, like back. Yeah, years. Yeah. We could never get past him when we were with free two acres. No, no, Becky. She was a past winner. She'll be there, Kim. So be there from the corral.

00:23:56:13 - 00:24:25:16
She was last that. No, Dee from Sapphire was last year's winner. So Sapphire, we'll have two winners there this year, and Sapphire will have two. D will be there. Janice will be back. Okay, so we're going to have probably a good five or six reigning or past Miss No swimsuits. She was going to say Miss F I was because our club was right there, almost right there at the end of the bus.

00:24:25:16 - 00:24:50:16
Again, six and a half years later, I'm still saying free makers, but no, you got MTV, we've got trapeze. Well, we got the new one, Paradise Last Resort. And their girl is going to she's going to do good because she flew into Paradise Lakes just to compete and she won it. Hey, can I see a funny story about MSP?

00:24:50:18 - 00:25:10:09
Sure. If as long as they don't hate us for it, he. No, he won't. And I was just going to say his name. Jesse, Jesse and Jody. They're awesome. He's so laid back and he has is when just when he when I go to take their picture he has a certain pose where he's kissing her. Yeah. The cheek.

00:25:10:11 - 00:25:31:04
And he has to do that pose every time I time. So when I do take the picture and he forgets, I remind him of his pose. So signature pose. I didn't know that. He didn't know how to swim. No, that's right. And Glow party is my night to let loose and cut up and have a good time. So it was probably what got abandoned.

00:25:31:05 - 00:25:51:22
1130, 12:00 at night. It was hot. And I was like, Hey, let's in. It's on the pool deck and skinny. I'm like, Hey, Jesse, let's go skinny dipping. And guess what? I said, Yeah, yeah, we're all going to jump down and, you know, strip down, go swimming. And he goes, Okay, okay. And I'm like, It's okay. There's going to be other people.

00:25:51:25 - 00:26:19:07
So she thought he was just being shy. So we both stepped down, jumped in the water. His wife didn't strip down, she just went there clothes, and then somebody else jumped in and in. She's like, He doesn't know how to swim. Hey, I feel I can laugh about it now, but I felt horrible at the time, right? So we had a few people jump in to save him.

00:26:19:09 - 00:26:43:00
But you know what? He was having a good time. Of course. You know, I've always got to be in there to kind of stir it up a little bit. You know, our boss will keep his name off. He's usually the first to jump in the pool during the what's the nude fashion show. Yeah. So he'll usually jump in the pool right after the.

00:26:43:02 - 00:27:10:04
He did jump in the pool that night too. And his wife kind of got upset. She goes, I thought I said, you know, swimming tonight. And he's like, well, Bunny started it and then we had to save Jesse. So Mr. Swimsuit has some great events, so let's just go through that. We have eight we have eight contestants this year, eight contestants representing We have trapeze from Atlanta, Georgia.

00:27:10:04 - 00:27:39:24
Yes. They also have a trapeze in Fort Lauderdale. We have nobody. No, we have not. In Orlando. Stacy is representing Naughty Islands. We have on the border. Yep, We have the corral. Yep, we have Paradise Lake Resort. Yes, we have Club Sapphire Club Sapphire. We've got Marcia and Venus. Marcia, Venus. my goodness. You for getting look on your phone.

00:27:39:27 - 00:28:06:18
Hold on. We get some new ones every year and we're just shooting from the hip. We didn't have a document printed in front of us, so forgive us. Forgive us, because it's probably going to be somebody that I always remember. And it's right there. Contestants Corral. Duh. We've been around the whole time. Vibe five Okay, so five wasn't there last year?

00:28:06:18 - 00:28:33:01
No, they've been there several years before and they weren't there last year and they are coming this year. So yes, Vibe. Vibe is a club out of Nashville and it's a hotel takeover. They literally sell out of two hotels within minutes. It's like 16 ticket master. Yeah, well, and we're not talking 10 minutes, we're talking under five, right?

00:28:33:01 - 00:28:58:11
So even if we did promotional videos for them, it doesn't guarantee we would even get a room. No, no. But so that's, you know, it's just. Well, some of the events. Yeah. Okay. I was going to say, it's just that, you know, all the girls we do, we're going to have the new fashion show and we will take over the main pool deck.

00:28:58:15 - 00:29:18:20
Right. And we do a pool party up there during the afternoon and we do the nude fashion show, the girls, and what do they do? So they are nude. They might wear a necklace. Can't, Heidi, Some of them, we're like little types of body or shoes. Yeah, we tell them to wear shoes because that kind of makes it sexy.

00:29:18:23 - 00:29:43:18
Yeah. In anything. I mean, on the border. Kelly when she ran, she did. That's our buzzer to say shut up is 30 minutes D she what she did really cute. She had like headphones on and she had a fanny pack and she just danced around like, like the eighties. Yeah, Yeah. And then we have certain type things like that.

00:29:43:22 - 00:30:13:22
We have another event called Anything But Clothes. And that's where the contestants like I, I, i, it was cute. I we were at Paradise Lakes and I was explaining anything about clothes and I was explaining something that happened years, years ago. And I said, this girl came out with sponges and rags and air fresheners and all kinds of stuff taped to her body.

00:30:13:25 - 00:30:35:14
And she came out to the song at the car wash. Yeah. And I was explaining cause that that's my best way of explaining anything but clothes. And the girl that did that was in competing because that was me. That was me. And I'm like, my God, you're from Canada, You know, now she's from Florida. Yeah, but she was from Canada.

00:30:35:16 - 00:31:06:27
So yeah, they'll, they'll do put together their outfit with and anything but clothes and then they try to dance to a song that kind of matches it. Right. So we have the globe Party and like I said, the crowd will be the sponsoring the Glo Party. They bring out tables full of glow stuff. This isn't cheap, people. You know, we had in the past, people were sponsoring the Glow party.

00:31:07:03 - 00:31:32:26
They were so hardcore. They would take almost like a go fund me at their club. They would spend $5,000 on just glow cups, glow glasses, glow bracelets, glow everything and just give it all out within 30, 40 minutes. And now the crowd has stepped up to do it. And I don't even want to know what their budget is.

00:31:32:26 - 00:32:02:04
No. And then we do. We will have one or two that will sponsor the catamarans because we actually will take two catamarans out. Yes. And two, two usually. Well, for representatives will be on one catamaran and four representatives will be on the other. They will be packed. Right now, I don't even know if me and Bonnie are going to be on the catamaran scope, but we do know our entertainers will be on each catamaran.

00:32:02:04 - 00:32:24:28
Yeah. So we'll have one one entertainer on each catamaran that will keep that party going right now. You got me rubbing my nose. Yeah. See? See what happens. And then they have. Of course, you got to do a lot. I just got to do a wet T-shirt contest doing the wet T-shirt that's on the border. And then. Well, you obviously know what a way T-shirt contest is, right?

00:32:25:00 - 00:32:50:17
And then during Thursday night, when they have the talent show, each one of the contestants has to do with some type of a talent on the tent. I videotaped those. So I do videotape it. So I record those. And but I only record our contestants and they're the only ones on stage. And if they bring anyone up on stage, they have to have a band on.

00:32:50:20 - 00:33:16:04
There also is an it's the video music Down by The Prude. Paul yeah, yeah. We do that on Wednesday night. Yeah. And that's going to be sponsored by Paradise Lakes Resort because that is a great way, because it's at a bar, at a pool on the beach. So it's really good. And we start setting, we do video and we do video music.

00:33:16:05 - 00:33:35:18
Video music down there. Yeah. And then on Friday, while everybody is voting for their well, one, one will sponsor a pool party at the nude pool. Yeah. So that I don't know what club, we don't know what all the sponsors are doing yet except for a couple because it got slipped out. So they're getting slipped out right here.

00:33:35:21 - 00:34:00:11
But at the nude pool, they will sponsor the games and they'll dictate the music and they'll do that. Yeah. Don't give away all their swag from their club. Ah, and that's the great thing is because they're trying to win your votes. Yes, you are. So if you book with times trips, you are one of the judges and you pick three contestants.

00:34:00:13 - 00:34:22:04
So the last day, Friday is when the voting begins. The voting begins. And while the voting is going on, all of the husbands or the boyfriends, they have to compete in what we call our man in motion. Right? Basically, it started off where the men had to get up there and dance and see what the girls are going through.

00:34:22:07 - 00:34:47:29
And it's kind of evolved into a drag show. Yeah, Yeah, it has. It's a it's a fun thing, though. They're having a lot of them get shy and they're having a blast. But, you know, it's funny and it brings them out of their show. It does. A lot of them will wear their wives or their girlfriends. I think looking at your who has one of their costumes that they've worn throughout.

00:34:48:01 - 00:35:09:19
Yes. Throughout the week. So it's it makes it really fun. And I was a man in motion one time because a contestant was there by herself and didn't have anyone. So I stepped up to the game. We heard our bosses say, Tom will do it, and we're way away. And I heard it and I'm deaf. And so he said it loud, So they must have seen us.

00:35:09:19 - 00:35:29:14
So they've seen this coming up. Yeah. So we walk over and they're like, We need you to step up. We need you to do them. An emotion. I didn't even know what it was. Okay, okay. Do. And then but. And then we got Jim to do it with you too. yeah, yeah, yeah. But I think it's a rite of passage.

00:35:29:15 - 00:35:48:12
It is. This time we'll have to get Jerry to do it. I think so. I definitely think Jerry needs to do it because we know Jeremy did it. Yeah. Yeah, he did the whole stripper moves and everything. But Jerry I think Jerry needs to do it because he has the dance moves. He does so well. What? We'll talk about Jerry and the kids.

00:35:48:12 - 00:36:16:15
I think there there's one contestant that does have somebody willing to do it. We'll see. So we'll throw his name under the bus. So while the man in motion is happening, all the voting is taking place. And then when we go in and we count all the votes, one, two and three, and each one gets so many points, I think one gets five points to get three points and third place gets one point or something like that.

00:36:16:17 - 00:36:50:29
And that's how someone who gets more second place can win overall. So we count them and then we have a Jamaican from the resort account for all of our votes to verify that indeed they are accurate and true. So that's our accounting system. Yes. But now, just so you know, if you watch this far, 2024 sold out and so Spencer laid out four for a while.

00:36:51:01 - 00:37:31:14
So I have put up and you can see a lot of the pictures are older. I got to update the site but go to no swimsuit dot com and I have pictures and there's ways that links the book there are you can go to Tom strips dot com and you can click on no swimsuit under group trips but also old fat guys yes but either one there are two amazing weeks and a lot of people will book old fat guys and three or four days into no swimsuit and there's people that all book all of no swimsuit and back day a couple days in old fat guys because old fat guys and hot chicks is

00:37:31:14 - 00:38:00:20
such a great group that they want that crossover when the old fat guys, they like to book somewhat in, too, because Then they get to vote before they leave. So you don't have to just vote on Friday. If you're there for part of the week and you're leaving early, you still get early voting. Yes. All you got to do is let one of us know that you're leaving on a certain day and we'll we'll get you a ballot and we'll tuck it away and we'll add it to the rest of the ballots on Friday.

00:38:00:22 - 00:38:33:08
Yep. And then after that, we're we're going to What's the Grand Lido? Grand Lido, which is directly across the street. And this hotel is a very upscale five star resort. So we got several rooms and we got a swim up room. It has a butler who, if you want to go somewhere, you call a golf cart to pick you up.

00:38:33:13 - 00:38:52:23
Apparently other people that know about the golf cart, but we heard about it. So we will definitely use that. And they have all kinds of restaurants and everything. Toms Trumps does not book Grand Lido. We're just going there for a company meeting, I think. Yeah, that's that's that's what I'm going to call it. We have to discuss. Yeah.

00:38:52:23 - 00:39:15:17
What happened this year. Right. I can do next year. What we could do better next year. Yes. So, but Grand Lido has like five different areas and we're in the adult only clothing optional area. So we can pretty much do whatever we want because we got all the rooms in that area. But it's just a vacation for us, right?

00:39:15:20 - 00:39:40:27
I mean, we're there not to work where I'm not there to take pictures and anything just to have a good time. Exactly how much time when we have. We are way past Bay. We are 39 minutes. my God. Sorry. So that is what we have coming up. Sorry we talked so long. Sorry about Barney's dress. It. It should be a turtleneck.

00:39:40:29 - 00:40:05:03
Remember? In the comments, right? Yes, Turtleneck. Ah, no to turtleneck. And whatever you guys vote on is what she's wearing. Yeah, well, not in the next few videos, because we're going to do another couple of videos before we leave. It'll be after we come back. So, you know, I was just looking at pictures of Britney Mahomes and all of them.

00:40:05:05 - 00:40:26:13
They can wear these dresses, but when I wear them, people are like, you shouldn't be wearing too old for that. Yeah. No. Yeah, I don't think so. I like it. I think they're 38. You're 39 years later? Yes. I still stare all right, well, we're going to wrap this one up. Yeah, we're going to do some just attempt videos.

00:40:26:13 - 00:40:52:20
Yeah, We're going to talk about how you can know we're not. They're going to watch it. They're going to watch it. All right. So look for the big green screens with the flying. Kind of just a tip. Travel advice. Yes. So until next time, we'll see you there. No, you need to book. You need to buck go to Tom's Trip.com or one 800 2850853 and you can talk to me.

00:40:52:24 - 00:41:19:15
Yes. Funny actually answers the phone now if it goes to voicemail, our boss gets those and she usually kicks them back to Bonnie. Ah. If you leave a message saying, Hey, I wanted to work with Bonnie, she will definitely kick that one back because Bonnie only makes a commission. Exactly. So follow us on Twitter, Instagram. just look at just search Tom and Bonnie, just as it's sitting there on the screen.

00:41:19:17 - 00:41:24:28
We keep it easy. Keep it easy. All right. All right. So now we can buy by time.

Tom broke his penis at Hedonism Resort in Jamaica

Tom broke his penis at Hedonism Resort in Jamaica!

Yes, Tom broke his penis at the world famous Clothing Optional, Nudist and Lifestyle resort Hedonism II in Negril Jamaica.   After years of suffering with ED the un imaginal happened and today we discuss in full detail about this experience!

Watch our podcast on video at

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/tomandbunny

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Paradise Lakes Resort and On The Border LS

Paradise Lakes Resort and On The Border LS

Today we talk about our two recent trips to Tampa Florida to Paradise Lakes Resort and Tulsa, Oklahoma for the On The Border LS Parties representing Tom’s Trips and promoting the Ms No Swimsuit contest at Hedonism Resort March 2nd thru 9th 2024 Check out the links below for Paradise Lakes Resort, On The Border and Ms No Swimsuit.

Ms No Swimsuit

Paradise Lakes Resort

On The Border LS Club

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2023 Sunny Buns and Bi Week recap with Tom and Bunny

We just returned from Hedonism Resort in Jamaica for our Tom’s Trips Sunny Buns and Bi Week full resort takeover and we discuss Sunny Buns and Bi Week and tell you all the fun that was had by all.  If you would like to book Sunny Buns 2024, please CLICK HERE!  if you would like to book Bi Week 2024, CLICK HERE for booking this group take over.


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sdc.com 30 days free access with no Credit Card needed. SDC is one of the Largest Match Maker websites for Swingers in the world and has a reach in many countries around the globe. Be sure to join our community “TomandBunny” when creating your profile on this website. To obtain your FREE 30 day access you MUST click this image. without clicking this image, SDC only offers 7 day trials.

SLS Swinglifestyle Free access No Credit Card Needed

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Bi Week 2023 Recap with B-Events.com Ricky and Raquel

In this podcast we talk to Ricky and Raquel from Bi-Events.com about the recent 2023 Bi Week total takeover event at Hedonism II resort in Jamaica with Tom’s Trips, your leader in adult lifestyle travel.  Bi week was such a success that Tom’s Trips and Bi-Events.com have secured Hedonism Resort for Oct 5th – 12th 2024 as another total resort take over for Bi Couples, Bi Single men and Bi Females. LGBTQ+
CLICK HERE for booking this group take over.


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Kasidie the sexually social community – We use Kasidie all the time and our profile is TomandBunny on this site, Kasidie is nationwide and offers the feel of social media like Facebook with communities, forums, Profiles, Wall post and much more to list here. Join today and you will be automatically added to our TomandBunny Community on this awesome site!

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sdc.com 30 days free access with no Credit Card needed. SDC is one of the Largest Match Maker websites for Swingers in the world and has a reach in many countries around the globe. Be sure to join our community “TomandBunny” when creating your profile on this website. To obtain your FREE 30 day access you MUST click this image. without clicking this image, SDC only offers 7 day trials.

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What happens at Hedonism with TomandBunny

What happens at Hedonism Resort in Jamaica with Tom and Bunny

In this podcast we discuss typical daily activities while at the world famous Hedonism Resort in Negril Jamaica..   Book your next vacation with Tom’s Trips 800-285-0853

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/tomandbunny

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tomandbunny

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/tomandbunny

General Chit Chat with TomandBunny

General Chit Chat with Tom and Bunny

In this podcast we discuss what’s been happening in the world of Tom and Bunny.  We discuss going on a date, going to our first lifestyle club (The Red Room) in Nashville and other lifestyle topics.

YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/tomandbunny

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/tomandbunny

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/tomandbunny

Truth in advertising and average age at Clubs – Events and Resorts

One of our most asked questions is, Will I fit in going to a club, event or resort because the photos or advertisements people are seeing are of young, fit and beautiful people. we discuss the truth in advertising and the average age you can expect to see at these events. watch our videos at http://www.TomandBunny.com

For the video, click this image below

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Kasidie the sexually social community

Kasidie the sexually social community – We use Kasidie all the time and our profile is TomandBunny on this site, Kasidie is nationwide and offers the feel of social media like Facebook with communities, forums, Profiles, Wall post and much more to list here. Join today and you will be automatically added to our TomandBunny Community on this awesome site!

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sdc.com 30 days free access with no Credit Card needed. SDC is one of the Largest Match Maker websites for Swingers in the world and has a reach in many countries around the globe. Be sure to join our community “TomandBunny” when creating your profile on this website. To obtain your FREE 30 day access you MUST click this image. without clicking this image, SDC only offers 7 day trials.

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Truth in advertising and average age at Clubs, Events and Resorts hosted by TomandBunny

Hey, y’all, you’re listening to Tom and bunny, and these are our opinions and what works for us in the consensual non-monogamy lifestyle. What works for us may or may not work for you. You can watch all of our videos and listen to our podcast@wwwdottomandbunny.com. That’s www.tomandbunny.com. Don’t forget to subscribe on YouTube and follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook at, um, and funny, enjoy our show.

Heidi ho neighbors. I knew you’re going to do that. That’s why I sat back. I didn’t say a word. Hey everyone, you’re listening to Tom bunny here. This is take number two because she cut me off last time and I wasn’t prepared. I’m the one that does the introduction. All right. So bunny wants to do the introduction this time.

So we recently put out. I request that we’re looking for content and we’re getting a lot of responses and we just did one. And now this one is we were going a couple two into this one. So a lot of people are saying that when they see advertisements, they are concerned that they’re going to be too old.

Are they’re not going to measure up to the people in the advertisements. And a lot of people think that the picture on the advertisement, it’s an actual member of the club. Maybe, maybe not. Okay. So give you an example. When we were at a club in California, we first started using all the stock photo sites.

And of course, we’re going to download the, the model type pictures because I to that’s what you want. You want your website to look its absolute best. Right? So they grabbed, um, these nice. Model photography photos that they can use. I, because I’m trying to, I don’t want to offend anyone. I just. Right. So if I sound politically incorrect, I do apologize.

However, yes. When you look at a restaurant menu and you see this gorgeous food, and then when you order it and you come and you open the box, it looks similar, but nothing like. The picture. Okay. So that’s the same way his clubs do it. Hotels do it by making these rooms, they take a picture when the room is brand spanking new, well, 10 years down the road, they’re still using that same room, but now it looks 10 years down the road.

When you walk into it, same with people. So with that said, yes, a lot of clubs are going to use. What they want to project as what they would like as their member base, because let’s be honest, me and bunny aren’t in that younger group no more. So therefore, if we’re looking at pictures, are we going to go to a club with pictures of people our age?

Are we going to go to a club where we see a acute younger couple. Well, we’re going to go to the club that has the cute younger couple, because they’re going to attract a wide array of members where if we go to the club, that projects our specific age, we’re only going to meet people in our specific age group.

And we’re not just looking for our age group. We, we do want people in our age group, but we don’t want to close our minds to younger. No, absolutely, absolutely not. And. I forgot where I was going with this. Okay. So I’ll keep going. So what I used to do was use the model picture, and again, these are unscripted, so forgive us and we get a subject and we just start talking and then we do lose a train of thought.

So I started using our actual members. I would give them a comp pass to come out on a Saturday just to show up. I mean, that’s an $80 come. I tell them, bring all their outfits. And then we take pictures all day long. I had two photographers, two backdrops, and it was literally people that came to our club.

And then at the end of the day, they got a copy of all the pictures and their cute outfits from professional photographers. But. They only had white backgrounds. Cause that’s what I wanted. Unfortunately, they didn’t have all the backdrops and everything, but if I used a pitcher, I would give them a, yet another $80 VIP pass and I would never use the same picture twice.

So I had a constant. Collage of pictures to go through. So these people were earning passes residually for coming to one model shoot. They might earn five, 10 passes over a year or two years time. And, but I did the model shoots every month and we would literally get calls all the time going are those actual club members?

And we’d say, yes, those are actual club members. Are they going to be there that night? Now? We wouldn’t say yes or no. They were going to be there. A lot of them were there, obviously because they’re getting free passes and they were. Patronizing our club all the time. But the fact is our numbers grew exponentially because we did truth in advertising.

We certainly did these girls, they would, and they loved to be on a, on a cover poster or on the website to them. It was like a little slice of, um, Being famous or being a top model for them, we’d give them a, we would print 18 by 24 posters, uh, big posters and put them all throughout the club to show what was coming up.

Well, when their theme would come, we would have 10 of those posters of that same picture. And we would do it every week with switch them out. They would take them all home and they would give them out. They would put them in their garage is almost like a. Like the tool company model pitcher on the clock or something.

We actually had a member who would ask the girls if they could have their pictures and they would sign them for him. And he had them hung up in their garage so much fun. Now I do know that Eden club there, they do model shoots. Matter of fact, they just posted like 90 pictures on their Facebook of their actual photo shoot.

Now. The girls that we took pictures of were an exact resemblance of what you could expect to see in our club. We had exotic dancers. I mean, very beautiful women. We had younger girls too. Older girls. We had all shapes all sizes and I’ll tell you why it was a very successful promotion that I did. Oh, absolutely.

It worked out very, very well. The customers, as well as the, um, the girls doing the show right now, some clubs only want a specific age group, 35 and under, well, obviously they’re only going to take pictures of the specific age group that they want. Some clubs want. 55 and older that you’re living silver clubs and they’re going to take pictures of older couples.

So, but, but Jordy, the clubs haven’t quite caught onto that. So they just go on the stock photo sites and download cutesy pictures and stuff like that. It’s not anything wrong with that. Yeah. They’re just showing you the theme are an example of the attire they want for the night. Correct. So don’t read into it.

If you’re going to a website and you’re looking in, you’re seeing exotic beauties, don’t read into it. You definitely want to go to that club and see what the patronage is. Our column, call the clubs specifically and say, Hey, we’re 45. Are we going to fit in your club? I always say, I really hate saying this, but some clubs specifically want a specific demographic.

They want, uh, as, as they call it a quality, a quality control. So they require their members to email on a pitcher for approval. One club was so hardcore that a pitcher got you an invite to the door. And once you got to the door, they gave you a second look and that determined if you got through the door or they told you to move on.

And to me, I would never, ever, ever recommend anyone emailing any club, a picture of you, because that’s really not in our minds. The lifestyle, the lifestyle is a very accepting and very giving. And, but if you want very exclusive. Go ahead now let’s backtrack because there are some clubs out there that have programs and you have to submit a picture to go into the membership base.

That’s only. So when you show up your picture shows up, so the person checking you in has going to verify that you’re with that person, correct? They’re not using it as an example of who they’re going to allow in or deny if they use the pitcher to allow in or deny. That you have to determine on your own.

If you want to go that route, I would, it’s like signing up for a credit card. Do you want to get rejected? I mean, that’s got to feel like a blow to the stomach. Back in the day, there was a, there was parties that were doing it. And even some of the people that I thought were super, super hot got turned down.

I’m like, what? But their requirements were so stringent. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, right? So, um, now the age demographics that go to clubs, a lot of people that when they see these younger pictures, they think, Oh my God, these people are going to be 18 to 25. W we’re 45. I know we’re not 45. We’re just making up a number.

So we feel better, but they’re thinking they’re not going to fit in. Believe it or not at our club. Our club was 21 to 80. And I say that and people go 80. Yes, 80 years old. I think that there was a few times that we had older than that, older than that. And I’ll tell you what. Age is really just a number because when these 80 year olds would come into the club, they were the life of the party because they had no shame in their game.

They came dressed in theme, they rocked it, they were on the dance floor and people gravitated them just because of their aura. I mean, they’re, they’re just love of the life. Exactly. Cause they’re just out to have a good time. Right. So age is just a number now, obviously when you’re playing. It’s not just a number.

You have to have an attraction. Well, most people, well, I would hope everybody, but that doesn’t mean, I mean, that everyone’s unattractive or everyone’s attractive. It’s really it all your tastes like me and bunny. We have our own taste and we’re attracted to, I don’t know, we call it just regular everyday.

Your neighbor next door. Nothing outlandish. No. Um, Well, they don’t have to drive Ferrari’s and they don’t have to trust them the latest fashion. We just, they just got to be able to communicate. I think number one is communication. So what that said, we did a recent poll. It’s a very scientific poll off of Twitter.

It’s completely scientific. We verified everybody that took the poll individually to verify with, well, no, we really didn’t. We didn’t care. We just throw up a poll and said, here’s the. Uh, the actual thing I wrote was help us out for a future YouTube video. What, what age group do you belong to? Really a simple.

Now Twitter only gives me four responses. The nice thing is it’s anonymous, so everyone can respond. I had to put something for the four responses. So I went 18 to 20. I did that because most clubs don’t allow people under 21 in, right. I just liked the fact that we actually have people that are following us that are between 18 and 21.1%.

So the poll is only 24 hours. I put it up late at night, so it really didn’t. And I put it up on a. Saturday. So most people have a life, so 87 people. So, but you know what, uh, usually when the poll starts going, it doesn’t really change dramatically. Once you get the first 10 responses, it literally grows about the same levels the whole time.

Yeah. What were you gonna say? I was going to say, plus, uh, typically the people that follow us are in the middle bracket. Well, I w R H demographic? Yeah. Okay. So, uh, 21 to 34, uh, 9.2% 35 to 55. And I know that’s 20 year gap, uh, 66.7%. And 56 and over is 23%. We’ve been running clubs for 20 years. We’ve been doing lifestyle travel for three years.

We absolutely knew without even doing the poll. The average age of the lifestyle is 35 to 55 with the meat and potatoes about 45 years old. Correct. And then running a club and running the club and the traveling, especially about the meat and potatoes about 45. Cause that’s about the age where people are starting to feel comfortable about leaving their children at home by themselves.

Right. So then they’re starting to venture out more on a weekend or, you know, a week. Yep. So. Again, the clubs that are showing and we’re getting, I mean, obviously this is off of our Twitter and therefore it’s going to be our followers. If we were like a young swinger group, the average age would probably be 21 to 35.

Correct. So, but I think. Uh, our Twitter kind of gravitates to everybody. So we’re not really down. We’re not locked into a certain age group except for shows. We are 35 and you know what? There, there are a lot of clubs out there now, too. And we’ve gone. We just went over this on another video. There are clubs that specialize too for the BBWs.

There are some that specialized for the ultra hot ones, right? And you know what? You, no matter where you’re going to go, you’re going to find what you’re looking for. But for the most part, any club that you go to or any house party that you go to, it’s going to be your average everyday person. Correct.

Now don’t take the numbers. For instance, we have been to many, many parties, many events where. Again, it’s not the age. It’s the attraction. We have far seen our share of 60 year old hooking up with mid late 20 year olds. And the late, mid, late 20 year olds love the six year old and they have their own reasons.

Right. But typically what we hear is they didn’t have to pussy foot around that they, the older couple were not as shy as the, their counterparts and the older women know what they like. Yeah, exactly. And that’s, a freak in the sheets. Yeah. So just you’re in the older group, don’t hesitate to go to a club and.

Not expect a younger, attractive couple are single to approach you. Right, right. But also if you’re a younger couple, don’t expect an older, creepy couple, like us not to come hit on you, the creepy people, whatever. I’m like, God, that’s horrible. It is horrible. But anyway, but at least you referred to us as older.

Exactly. I didn’t want to point fingers at anybody, you know, just kidding Lord have mercy. You’re out it tonight. I am. I am I having a good time? So I’m playing with my pump. Anyone know what this is? If you know what, this is, put a comment in the comments. Yeah, we are sober tonight. So it’s probably the problem that he has the problem.

So definitely yes, there is. There there’s different types of advertising. Not everyone needs to do truth in advertising. The more get, the more of the story is they’re just getting their point across, uh, if they want leopard print. Theme where they’re going to put a model with the leopard print and it just so happens.

They’re going to look for the most attractive model in leopard print to put on a poster or on an image to put on social media or on a website too. If you’re going to go to. To a re to a resort. Cause there’s a lot of resorts out there now, too. They’re going to have the absolute, best pictures that they can possibly get.

So you’re gonna, they’re going, I’ve seen a lot of them where they’ve got, um, you know, these hot, hot models laying around a nice pool. Exactly like that every day you go, right? We, I mean, we work for Tom’s trips and it’s an adult lifestyle travel and we go to resorts all over the nation and the world and those resorts always put up the smoking hot, hot models.

And our problem is, is our average age is 45. Average body size. Um, mommy bodies, dad, bod, stuff like that. Not typically your gym rats. And when I say gym rats, not a negative. I wish I could be a gym rat, but were lazy. So no excuse, no excuse, no. Excuse. We’re we’re lazy. But anyway. The hardest part of selling adult travel at a clothing optional, our nude resort is these people are looking at the resorts promotions and then questioning us of why they should book at that resort because they don’t think they’re going to fit in and we have to go, Oh dear God.

Now we have to explain to them that they are the. Normal person that, that resort sees that, that resort almost never, maybe one week a year might see those hard balls. Right. And that will be a specific group, very specific group, but all the other groups pretty much, as long as they could pay to go, we’ll sell them a ticket.

Absolutely. So, so it’s just call bunny. I mean, just, I understand this lifestyle, it’s very accepting. They’re very accepting of all ages on all shapes and sizes. It does not matter what background you come from. It doesn’t nothing matters. People just want to meet people. Exactly. So if you’re one of the couples that have been having hangups about going to a, a house party, a hotel party, a convention, a club, or.

Resort understand, no matter how much you weigh, how much you are, how old you are, how young you are or anything about you, you are going to meet your counterparts at those. Oh, absolutely. Like a friend of ours says there’s a lid to every pot. Yes. That that’s, that’s a great analogy. So definitely. No doubt.

Yeah. Venture out and be confident in your own skin and don’t overanalyze anything. And we just told you average ages 18 to 80 1880. I mean, we gave you meat, potatoes ages, but realistically in the lifestyle, it’s 18 to 80. And because of where we travel within the, the world, we’ve seen 18 year olds. Yes. Um, Typically the 18, the, the real, real, real young ones don’t even interact with the average people, which is totally fine.

And they have their own week anyways. Yes. All right. So truth in advertising. Yes. The pitcher’s perfectly fine. No matter what you see out there, it’s just, they’re trying to get across. A theme. It would be like a cake maker, throwing down a cake are actually designing a cake. They’re just trying to make it look appetizing.

Exactly. Yeah. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Yes. People say, well, there should be truth in advertising. Y Y there, there, there doesn’t have to be. Let’s go back to the Baker stage. They’re not going to put out their practice ones in the photo. Exactly. They’re going to put out there. Premium. Yeah. So don’t look at that.

Call the club. If you have any question, if you’re going to fit in, I guarantee you a club will be very upfront and honest with you. You call them up and say, I have a dad, bod, she has a mom bod, we’re both 45. Are we going to fit in there? Well, 99% of them will say, yes. There will be that time when you get a, yeah.

You might want to look around and they might even suggest other clubs because they’re in that same location. Absolutely. The club that would require pictures in turn people at the door, they would literally re recommend our club. Guess what? We opened our arms to them. We figured at our club, there was somebody for everybody at our club and it didn’t matter.

Absolutely. All right. So anything else to fill in? Nope. So if you have any comments, go ahead and put them below. Definitely a like, and subscribe to our videos. It definitely helps out if you don’t want to, like, it don’t like it, but don’t dislike it, but definitely comment. Any questions that you would like to see on future?

Right. And I will just throw out there too. Like I said, don’t overanalyze it, just get out there and do it. Just get out there and do it. Absolutely. So go to our inner, uh, go to our Twitter and Instagram. It’s at the little outside Tom Mann bunny. And I’m going to put this up on the screen right now. I think it’s Nope.

This one right there. So just Tom and bunny, as you see it is spelled out the bottom of the screen and subscribe and like us today. We’ll see you soon. See you soon.

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Corona Virus Update and the Affects on the Lifestyle

Recently we received a request to discuss our opinions on the Corona Virus aka Covid 19 Pandemic and the affects on the swingers lifestyle. This user emailed us multiple questions and we talk about how we feel this has affected all of us. watch our videos at www.TomandBunny.com

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Corona Virus Update and the Affects on the Lifestyle hosted by TomandBunny

Hey, y’all, you’re listening to Tom and bunny, and these are our opinions and what works for us central non-monogamy lifestyle. What works for us may or may not work for you. You can watch all of our videos and listen to our podcast@wwwdotcomandbunny.com. That’s www.tomandbunny.com. Don’t forget to subscribe on YouTube and follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook at, um, and funny, enjoy our show.

Hey everyone. We’re Tom and bunny. And I bet you are just as happy as we are. Cause we shortened the intro from a minute down to 30 seconds. And we’re going to try to shorten that down. That one actually sounds like we’re getting ready to go to the beach. Yes, that was my rock and roll tune. So, uh, recently we put out a message on all of our social media, our Twitter, Instagram, Facebook page, Facebook group, as well as other social media that doesn’t even pertain to Tom and bunny.

We all did ourselves. Yeah. And we said, because of COVID, we are lacking in content because we normally get our content from. Facebook messages, people having conversations, debates, and our channel is not an answer. It’s just how me and bunny. Deal with situations as a couple and how we deal with the situation does not mean it would be proper for you.

No, absolutely not. So we’re not trying to be mom and dad here and give answers. So we’ve just recently we got a bunch of response we did, and this one actually fits perfectly in the timeline. Yes. And I’ll be honest. This is about Corona. We were not going to do, we did. Three other videos before this about Corona and it got so depressed and we just kept deleting them and deleting them and deleting them.

Um, so this is actually almost, almost to the one year Mark of when, uh, COVID was right when we went into a full pandemic. So the timing on this one is perfect and these questions are actually pretty on spot. Yeah. Most people just put on the video on themes. With no direction, which is fine. That’s all we wanted was a direction to go are just a topic.

And then we can go from there. But we’ve had a couple people say, do one on Corona, do want to COVID and everything and how it affects the lifestyle and stuff. But nobody actually asked. Questions like this person, this person, actually from North Carolina, this person actually asked several questions, which gives us a lot to talk about, but we’re going to try to do this in 15 minutes or less because we know people, their attention span is less than 10 minutes.

Now, watch it all the way through though. Cause we do have questions and answers all the way through this video, right? Absolutely. All right. So I’m going to start right here. I would love to hear or see the realities of the lifestyle during Corona it’s social effect. The reason you are looking for content is exactly the symptom happening currently.

I’d love to see discussed. People are still getting together, going out, et cetera. Hotel parties are still happening, but scaled way back house parties are too, which is absolutely correct. So we have a lot of friends in California and yeah. There are all we hear all the time. Oh, we wish you were in California.

Our friends are having a party. Uh, another friend says that he goes to house parties all the time where there’s 20, 30 couples while other ones are a little more smaller, three or four or five, six couples. I know that doesn’t sound small, but you gotta meet. Remember, and our lifestyle. Yeah, that’s a small number, a small number.

Yeah. Um, Oh yes. All over the country. There are house parties. There’s there was a hotel party that happened in California. And we’re not going to mention any names because we don’t, there’s a lot of people out there putting people on blast for having party. So we’re not gonna put anyone on blast. Uh, we’re not mom and dad here.

But they actually had a hotel party. I believe it was for new year’s Eve. And when we saw the ads, it was for like 200 couples. And we don’t know what happened with the venue because the venue got changed, but the number got lowered down. It was either going to be 200 couples or 200 people. I don’t remember, but it got lowered to 75.

So I don’t know if that was 75 couples or 75 people. So yeah, the, I mean, that’s a huge number of people going to an event and. You know, again, we’re not going to mention any. No, no. The clubs still are not open. Some of them are open they’re running on limited capacities and some are just. Throwing caution to the wind.

Yeah. There are actually clubs out there that are not open in the public eye, meaning their website shows shut down. All their promotions are down. They have very private, exclusive groups where they’re still hosting parties, but only to a very, not a select, but people they could trust. That’s not going to call the health department on it.

A lot of them are doing that. Doing parties that were their current members before the pandemic. Correct. So, and you know, a lot of people think that everything should be shut down because of the Corona, but the fact is. Businesses can’t survive. You got to pay your utilities, got to pay your bills at home.

Not everyone gets unemployment. Nope. Nope. So I, I feel sorry for a lot of these. Yeah. Yeah, absolutely. All right. So going on, there are parties happening. Every state that is completely a hundred percent locked down, you can guarantee it in the lifestyle. There are. Hundreds of parties throughout that state, there may be on a very tiny scale, but they are all over the place.

You gotta to look more, you gotta know, you gotta be in the know and you have to be in the know. All right. So we see some being safe and others very irresponsible right now. And then they wrote locally by us, not generalized. Okay. So we have a view on that. Um, who’s to say, who is safe and who’s very irresponsible.

This person posed a great question, but we got to say. If you are seeing people, somebody else can view you, even though you think you’re the one being safe as being the irresponsible ones. So there’s two sides to the coin either. You’re all complicit and you’re irresponsible are, you’re all complicit and you’re very, you’re doing your best to be safe.

Right. I was telling Tom, it’s funny how we come into this a year later and now we have to be in our lifestyle. We have to be. Safe in three weeks, three ways. We have to be safe from one pregnancy, two from venereal diseases, and now we gotta be safe from COVID and have a three-way. So who doesn’t want a three-way condoms, condoms, and a mask or birth control condoms and a mask.

So, um, Now the next question is, but what effect does that have? So what effect does that have? I don’t know what you consider being safer. Very irresponsible. I would say. You know, and, and I have to say, you know, a lot of people think that people that are having the big parties are being the ones that are being the super spreaders are being the ones that are irresponsible, but it’s not the party promoters or anybody like that, or the people that are going it’s, it’s your own opinion.

Well, it’s your opinion. Let’s just say, let’s just say, uh, another friend of ours. Just got called a super spreader for having an event. They kept counseling counseling. The city said it was okay to have the event, but a bunch of people decided to go on podcast and everything and call them a super spreader, magazines, articles, everything about them.

And the problem is, is he was just a host of an event. The people going there. We’re just as complicit for actually being there. He didn’t twist their arm. He didn’t pull them onto an airplane, pull off of an airplane and push them into it. Hotel room, did everything under the sun that he possibly could do to ensure safety and he was gonna lose his right.

Right. You know, and you know, he, everyone was demanding. He put on this party. And, and then when he did put it on, no one defended him. Okay. So, uh, some people had, uh, tested positive. For Corona NATS where all the magazines and all that came out of the woodwork. But the problem is, is we see people going to a resort in Jamaica all the time.

And the resort is claiming almost zero cases of Corona. Now, is that true or not? We don’t know. We’re just going to take them for their word. But what we’re seeing is we think most people are catching it in the airport. I think so too. Well, you, you can’t go to a movie. You can’t. You can’t, you got to stand six feet behind somebody in line at a grocery store, but on an airplane you’re like, right.

You’re packed in, like, we know this because we have flown recently. He did not take out the middle seat. We were packed in there, like sardines. So if we were going to get it, that would have been the time for us to get it. And we don’t want to hear anything about the circulation on an airplane. Right. It doesn’t matter.

Right, right. No. And that, and this one that actually this question actually goes hand in hand with that. Does it change the social scene? Absolutely. It has. We have seen such a divide in the lifestyle at this point. We were recently in California and we were on a website and we put out a hot date. We put out hot dates just for no other reason, but just to chat with people or talk to them online or meet them and possibly, but.

We got this nasty email out of the blue from this couple. Now I blocked them because I didn’t request them to send me a message. But they said, because I put a hot date, they said, keep your virus, opinionated butts out of our city and go away. I mean, they literally turned Karen on us. Yeah. And we’re like, what did we, why did not just question us?

Why not send us an honest message and say, Hey, you know, why don’t we solve this and everything? Uh, we personally would appreciate if you didn’t, but can you explain why you feel the need and maybe give us a forum to talk back and forth, but to just attack us, that’s what we’re seeing in the lifestyle is a 50 50.

Right? Right. And, and it’s, it has been driven a great big wedge through what was a great loving. Fun lifestyle is now has got this major wedge through it. Yeah. You got the people who are, and I don’t even know how to term it, but very fearful of Corona. And then you got the group that’s not at all scared of Corona, right?

So there’s nothing wrong. We, everyone has an opinion and everyone should have their own opinion. They shouldn’t just fall in line just because people scream louder. The thing is, is the people who. Believe that there’s no Corona. Aren’t going to be more, a little bit laid back and not be so vocal. The people who are fearful of it are the ones who want to scream at the people who are not scared of it.

You can’t scream and make someone believe in the virus. You’re just making them. Not trust the virus even more. Correct, but they’re not going to debate you because there’s no reason to try to convince you that. I know that you see the Tik TOK videos and the other stuff that people go out purposely not wearing a mask to trigger people, but I also see the same videos of people that go in looking for people without a mask to try to trigger it.

And people are going to get hurt. They are physically hurt. Right? So that goes in the same thing. Does this, does this change how we interact with each other? I think it does. I think it has what happened is it’s a lot of people are going to remember the people who engaged them and how they were treated during the pandemic is how they’re going to be treated afterwards.

I think the people who treated them. Badly during the pandemic are going to continually to, I mean, basically like someone goes to prison to get rehabilitated. There’s no rehabilitation. You, you were a super spreader. Yup. Yup. So not you, but the person in their mind. So I think the interaction going to kind of hinder for a long, long time, um, does the pickup change, or does the lifestyle sustain itself through pre-established connections or would it change doing things on a grand scale?

Okay. What they’re saying here is, um, Through a preestablished connections. This is, this means, and we’re going to take this as people that you have played with in the past are associated with our communicator within the past. So, but not moving forward because pre-existing means before. All right. So, uh, and I, I can’t even say on something like that, because.

Yeah, we’re we are still seeing clubs open and we are still seeing parties going on. So therefore, I don’t think that it’s going to be any pre-established connections. Well, I’m more on social media than money is. Um, I see a lot of people who think that because they played with somebody previously. That they’re okay to play with today.

W because they at least think they have some knowledge about that. Couple are single male or single female, whereas a new couple, they fear the unknown because they don’t know anything about that person or persons. Would that make sense? It would be like the same as you’re only as safe as your last partner.

So even if you go out and you get, uh, Of venereal disease or, or I’m sorry, if you go out and you get all of your tests done today, today, you play with another couple tomorrow. Yeah. No, those tests are no invoice. The second you play with another couple, if you play with a couple that if you play with a couple on Saturday night who had just went to work all week, then how do you know that they’re not contagious?

Exactly. Exactly. So does the pickup change? I think it does. I think it will change from now on just because, um, people are just going to be a little more cautious from now on, this is a very infectious disease. It’s are very easily to get, um, the debate is. Are you going to die from it? Are you going to heal from it?

So we won’t even go into that debate. We just, no one truly knows that answer. So we’re not going to discuss that. But what we will say is we know that it can go from person to person really fast and rapidly. So I think even when the virus is contained, I think it’s still going to change people. I think it’s changed society itself.

I do too. I do too. Um, has there been a different time in the lifestyle that changed things as much as, okay. So I was going to kind of touch on this on the last comment, but I wanted to hold it because I would have nothing else to talk about on this comment. Uh, the only thing I could think of would be the HIV.

AIDS pandemic of the eighties. And that was long before we came into the lifestyle, but I’m sure it changed it. It was long before we got in the lifestyle, but the lifestyle it’s been around for a long, a lot longer than that, but we were actually, um, In the eighties was definitely the time that we grew up.

So we definitely seen how that, how that affected. Yeah. And while it was predominant, supposedly the predominant in the gay community at that time, there were a lot of husbands that were cheating on their wives and then bringing it home and infecting their wives. So it became a straight diseases. I mean, no, even though the guy’s going with another guy.

It still became a straight disease. Cause now that wife is infecting other people correct our girlfriends. So, so I’m sure that back in the eighties, there was a big difference. But look at it today though. I mean, we’re talking what, 40 years ago, 40 to 40 some years ago. So that’s a long time. I don’t, I’d have to ask some old timers how long it affected them because this pandemic.

Could affect us for 10, 20 years, because we’ve only been in the lifestyle 24 years.

I’m just saying we’re still young as far as the AIDS epidemic, but we, we kind of, there was still a little scare of AIDS when we got in the lifestyle, but it was really, they knew how people were getting it. They had a lot more understanding and, um, But people still get AIDS today. So, um, but people aren’t as afraid of it because I think they understand it or they don’t care.

Right. So they’re thinking with the little guy. All right. So they’re really afraid of it. Then little guy better be wrapped. All right. So what that, yes. I, I think that would be the biggie. And the lifestyle, the only other thing I could think of, right. The, well, you know what I was gonna, I was actually going to say too, um, when the economy crashed, we thought that that was going to be the end of the lifestyle clubs for awhile because of money.

But people came out in droves and they paid with credit cards, credit cards, usage went out the roof because they wanted to get away and they wanted to relieve that stress. Yeah. You know what? I didn’t even think of it. That analogy I was taking more. COVID disease, but yeah, when a market crashed in 2008, we ran a club in California and we literally watched the money going down and we had just gotten a credit card service.

And I think maybe 5% of our. People coming in, were coming in on credit card. Cause God, for pitch, he didn’t want a lifestyle club on your credit card statement because of your tax accountant or whoever did your taxes. They’re going to see all that stuff. And people were definitely afraid of it. But when they started running out of cash, they started not caring so much.

And I always try to tell new clubs when they open, don’t use your club name, use a very vanilla DBA for your club for your credit card processing. So people will feel a little more comfortable. Would you feel more comfortable going to sex rs.com or would you feel more comfortable going to Tom buh-bye?

Well, either one, it was pretty bad, but say research like. Sex us versus twice or us, but I’m just saying that pubs, if you’re going to open, I know your name is your brand and you’re proud of it, but you gotta remember the people get affected by your decisions of charging them a certain way, correct?

Correct. And you do your whole point of taking credit cards is for business. All right. We hung out with close friends that are safe. We have. Went to a party where no one had AR ended up having COVID. Okay. So we have thoughts on that. We, we hear all the time, our friends are safe. How do you know that? Did they go to work today?

Did they go to the grocery store? Did they go anywhere? Did they hand money into the little bucket at the fast food where the person takes it and reaches in their hand, pulls the money out with a glove on and puts the money in the drawer, pulls the money out of the drawer with the glove on, puts it back in the bucket and hands it out.

And you reach into this bucket and pull it out. You don’t think you’re going to get Corona from that? You think your friends are safe? They’re not, Nope. Nope. It goes back to the same as your only as. Clean is your last test, right? So. When I hear people say our friends are safe, I can find a thousand analogies to prove that theory wrong.

They may be safer than someone you don’t know are, you may feel they’re safer than someone you don’t know, but to make a claim that they’re safe is a false, a false sense of security. Right? Um, the way that I feel on it, because we’ve been to clubs, we’ve been to parties since, since the pandemic and. Oh, my God, you just outed us all the haters.

You know what, to me, it’s, it’s the same risk as I’m taking, going to the grocery store. Exactly. Right. I mean, you’re, you’re walking past people in the grocery store or Walmart or wherever. I mean, people are still crossing in front of you and within a six month, six feet deep. Right. So now they end it with, we went to a party.

So right there, we’re going to talk about being responsible or. What was the word? No, no. Um, it was very irresponsible. So were you just irresponsible where you safe? Are you very irresponsible? Like I said, just go into a party. You’re either complicit that you were doing your best to be safe. Are your.

Barrier irresponsible, depending on who’s looking from the outside. Exactly. It all depends on who’s looking in. You say we’re no one had our ended up having COVID. Okay. So the validation on that is we know our friends event had 42 cases. But could they tie it directly provable beyond a reasonable suspicion of a doubt that it happened at his event?

Or could they have got it at a restaurant in, on bourbon street and a bar in bourbon street, people will say, well, they wouldn’t have been in that restaurant and bar in San Francisco are New York. Well, they’re closed. Uh, well, we’ll go with Miami, Miami. Okay. So. They wouldn’t have gotten it, had they not gone to that event?

That’s what some people will say, regardless if they were home, they had the same risk of getting it. I do believe, but I don’t have proof. I do believe the culprit most of the time is the airport. I think whenever I see a high number, everybody that we know that it’s gone somewhere. Yeah. Or in his coming home from going somewhere and they have COVID they flu?

Yes. We, we saw a group of, well, there’s a group of 300 people. They all went to one location and in that location, they all tested negative. When they got home, half the group tested positive. Where do you think they got it from? The only, they didn’t all get it in their different Uber’s they didn’t all get it from their own car, the taxi or anywhere.

The common denominator would be. They all went to the airport. They all got new align. They all got into a plane. They flew for hours. Well, just watched a movie out, but just watched the movie outbreak when the guy starts coughing and you see a spray going all over the airplane. So I’m a firm believer that this airplane, so the super spreaders.

Right. So how does this all affect going forward? I, um, I don’t know. I think you’re going to see less attendance at clubs a little bit. I mean, right now the attendance is out the roof. People are tired, they’re tired of it. So let’s just give you an example. If there’s 10,000, I know we’re way over 15 minutes, but if there’s 10,000 couples that are members of a club, I always asked the owner of our old club.

We had 6,500 couples every year. I said, okay, Why don’t all 6,500 couples sit at home going, what do you want to do tonight? I don’t know. What do you want to do? Well, let’s go to the club. Yeah, let’s go to the club. And he went, Oh dear God. That would be like 12, 13,000 people trying to come in the doors. He goes, thank God.

They all don’t think like that. But I, it always goes through my head, but right now everyone’s sitting at home just dying to get out. So the clubs like in Texas and stuff are just bulging at the scene. I think they’re packed because there’s really not many people. Well, and I think that though, the ones that are open are packed at the seams because people in the States that are closed are going there to go to those parties.

The biggest thing that I see in the lifestyle is. We’re social beings. We like to be out there and we like to hug. Yes, we hug everybody. And when you can’t do that for a year, even if you’re not having sex with that person, you still want to have that feeling of hugging. Right. So with that said, yeah. Um, I think once the pandemic dies down and we right now, we’re at like what?

75% less infection rates than we were a couple months ago. Interesting. It dropped that fast, but people are too in the vaccine and they’re doing all their stuff. So that’s good. That’s good that it’s coming down because that has a glimmer of hope. Yeah. For everything, for everything. I just want to go to a damn movie.

Right. We got to go to Arizona to go to the movies. They gotta actually make movies. So last question is, does the age demographic matter younger versus older and how they are or how they see COVID and lifestyle together? Yes, absolutely. We’ll give you an example. There was a F COVID party. And I think we saw somewhere like 12 couples.

Contract a COVID it’s not funny, but it’s just very ironic that, but it was during the height. It was the, I mean, like way back in may of may, of last year. But before anything was supposed to be open. Right. But it wasn’t just one. There were like a bunch of COVID parties. There was one, a college group was on a Lake or something and they were having an F COVID party.

And half of those people got Corona. Right. So that wasn’t even lifestyle. Going back to this question, I think, yes. The younger people feel that they have COVID people. They were well, back in back when it first started, they were saying that people under the age of 30 weren’t as susceptible, well, that came out to be false.

But I think, yes, a younger people have not really had a fear of it. They, they don’t, they’re not thinking about. Transmission. Right. So yeah, definitely the younger people. Now we are seeing people that have had it are going back out because they don’t think that they can get it again. Right. And so definitely the younger versus the older, I think was, uh, Especially in the heightened part of coal.

It’s a big younger people are going to the clubs at the house parties and the hotel parties. There are older people going to them, but not as predominant. Most of the older people that we talk to are getting their vaccines. They’re waiting till they’re vaccinated. Before they actually venture out to Oakland.

I am seeing that big time in the travel industry. They’re holding off on any travel until they can get that vaccination. Right. And other than that, I think the lifestyle well returned to normal. I think the lifestyle is very proactive. I don’t see it going to be, I think it’s going to kind of tame down a little bit and because once everyone starts being able to travel, most of the clubs are bolting because a lot of people can’t travel right now.

Correct. So once the travel industry, Disneyland, all those places reopen all the restaurants, open hell the restaurants aren’t even open. So if you have a club opening where restaurants aren’t opening, you can imagine where are they going to go? Yep. So once everything opens back up, society will resume back to normal with a stigma about.

Being a little leery. Right, right. I think it, yeah, I do think that we’ve seen the last days of people just hugging people randomly or elbow. So tired of it. We’re going to, I was telling Tom earlier, we’re just going to start doing booby rubs. There you go. Hey, I could deal with poopy rubs all day long, especially when topless.

Alright. Until our next video, like I said, we were not going to do a Corona video because we tried it three times. We kept deleting it because it just got very depressing because we were going off track. We didn’t have a, uh, a guy to go off of. We want to thank the person from North Carolina. And again, I will reach out to you for your address.

We will send you a very cool koozie it’s right up. There and we have our stickers. Bunny can show you the sticker. We’re going to be sending a sticker. Did I get it? Yeah. You got it in there. And we’re going to send several packets of spunk lube as a thank you for the question. Absolutely. And, uh, like you said, um, definitely this will hopefully will be the last one on COVID.

Hopefully we don’t have to do one in another year. Right. And things will get back to normal as soon as possible. Yup. So until next time you guys have a great day and please send us your content questions and do like this ask questions and we will answer them on the. On the video. And if you’ll give us permission, we did not use this person’s name because we literally just got the message and I sent them a message.

They have not replied yet, so we’re not going to use their name, but if we can use your name, we will give you a shout out as the originator for the question. Absolutely. All right. Have a good night. Bye-bye.

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